Pearviewer Ideas

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+10% Domestic Trade Power
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

A Bluefoot HeartLife on the Gawedi side of the Small Country has always been harder than on the Lorentish. The winters, a little more severe. The wolves, more numerous and bolder. Even the Gawedi traders are more stringent and harsher to us than their Lorentish counterparts. Us Pearviewers are well familiar with hardship and struggle, and face each new challenge with hearts steadfast.
+5% Morale of Armies
-10% Reinforce Cost

Mound FortsPearview is a nation traditionally beset on all sides by enemies. Worse than the pillaging reavers and endless kobolds, however, are the dastardly Appletoners. They seem to make it a yearly tradition to raid across the river with their pathetic ponies! Unbeknownst to them, however, their incursions have been stunted for years. By strategically expanding some of our mound houses into well fortified bunkers, we divert attackers away from our most important granaries and stores, inflicting heavy casualties in the process! In times of war, citizens and soldiers alike flood into our mound forts. In times of peace, these extensions can easily be turned to other uses.
-10% Fort Maintenance
+15% Garrison Size

Pearwood PipersPearwood is one of best woods for crafting instruments out of due to its easy workability and ability to avoid warping. The halflings of Pearview are among the best pipers and drummers in Cannor with a rich tradition of both creating and using such instruments, often lending their services as signalling regiments. They accompany mercenaries in and out of Pearview, using their knowledge of terrain and superior communication to increase the effectiveness of any army they service. 'Wherever the banner of Pearview flutters, the march of the pipers follow.'
+5% Mercenary Discipline

The Superior Pome'An apple a day keeps the doctor away... but to pears they can't compare!' - note found posted on the side of a town notice board.\n\nThe pear growers of Pearview have made many an attempt over the years at weakening the cultural stranglehold of the apple, all of which have been ineffectual at best. These attempts have left many readers wondering about the curious priorities of these halflings, doing no favors for their reputation. If nothing else, this focus has made Pearviewers seem less threatening in the eyes of the world.
-10% Aggressive Expansion Impact

The Newcobble Pie FestivalHosted on the banks of the Portroy, the Newcobble pie festival welcomed smallfolk from all over Pearview and beyond to test their pies against each other. It took place annually at the end of the fall harvest, and provided an opportunity to make merry and relax after the busy farming season. Villages often sent their best pie makers to compete in a variety of tasting categories, and the winners would bring great pride back to their communities.
-10% Stability Cost Modifier

Wine Poached PearsInitially a classic and simple way to spruce up unripe pears, every self-respecting Pearviewer family had their own unique take on the dish. With the discovery of Aelantir and increased trade with Haless, the incorporation of new spices and ingredients have lead to the popularity of the dish exploding across Cannor, especially among the nobility.\n\nFrom 'A Tallfolk Guide to Halfling Foods':\n-Pears in Wine-\n Ingredients:\n - 5 fine pears\n - 2 sticks cinnamon\n - 1 vanilla pod\n - 2 spoons honey\n - Fruity wine of choice\n\nPeel pears, set aside. Combine all other ingredients, and cook slowly over a low hearth. Add pears, cooking until soft. Once the liquid has thickened, add to pears and eat!\n
+1 Yearly Prestige

Pimleebezz the TruePimleebezz was an unassuming gnome who lived out his early days as an inventor in Pearview during the later days of the Hierarchy, when gnomes reigned ascendant over the Small Country. With the advent of the Dragonwake, the bulk of the gnomish armies and administrators fled to their homelands to hold against the surging kobolds, leaving the Small Country undefended.\n\nOne gnome, however, had put roots down. Though children of gnomes and halflings, gnomlings, are infertile, it still was not unheard of for a pairing to materialize where the two populations mingled, and Pimleebezz was on one end of one such happy relationship. Pimleebezz dedicated his inventions to the defense of Pearview, earning himself the epithet 'the True'. The legend of Pimleebezz has left a legacy of cooperation between the neighboring gnomish remnants and the halflings of Pearview, who continue to adopt many military innovations from the gnomes after seeing their effectiveness firsthand.
+10% Land Fire Damage

+20% Fort Defence