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Primary Culture

-15% Cavalry Cost
+1 Diplomatic Relations

The Field of RuinsParahechend is a land of many battles, positioned as it is between the Larankarha and Nanru Nakar. Over the years, these clashes have left countless abandoned battlefields, brimming with ancient armors and weapons. These ancient battlefields flank the ruins of Precursor slave-warrens, ancient supply stocks for the skyport of Aercel lying beneath remains of the old kingdom of Rakulacimai that litter the countryside. Parahchend’s lands are often said to resemble more a giant archeological site than an actual country, giving it the nickname “the Field of Ruins”.\n\nNaturally, Parahechend is a perfect area for the operations of the Scavenger Guilds of Nanru Nakar, who make their trade in finding and selling precious relics from times long past. Empowered by the countless subjugations of the territory by Nanru Nakar, the Scavenger Guilds have founded subsidiary companies to explore the Field of Ruins. These guilds are commonly called the Outsider Guilds, both due to their Nakari origins and because of the outdoors nature of their work, contrasting with their brethren who work in Nanru Nakar’s undergrounds.
+1 Yearly Prestige

The Tyrant King of PirsitelFor much of the 4th century, Taychend thrived under the rule of the Four Prosperous Emperors, who kept the peace over the vast Mudaliar Empire. When in 376 the last prosperous emperor died and left his infant boy Tailananth Mudaliar on the throne, things started to turn awry.\n\nToo young to rule, Tailanath became a mere figurehead at the top of the Mudaliar hierarchy while his warlord advisors divided up the Empire for themselves, abusing their power to enrich themselves. This exacerbated an already terrible famine, which enraged the peasantry and led to Vehasha’s Rebellion, a great revolt spurred on by Vehasha’s use of the illusionary mirror Saviracuri.\n\nDuring Vehasha’s Rebellion, one particular advisor of Tailananth would rise to prominence, executing tens of thousands of rebels and even killing Vehasha in personal combat: Varelrudu Rakulacan, the Tyrant King of Pirsitel. Using his newfound notoriety, the Tyrant King discarded his rival advisors, effectively taking control of the empire. During his unofficial reign, Varelrudu kept the falling empire together through increasingly harsh measures. In one infamous incident, he ordered that the entire population of the rebelling city of Nymbhava be put to the sword, crippling it for centuries.
-25% Harsh Treatment Cost

The Shadow KingdomWhen the Tyrant King died in 409, he was succeeded by his son Geledish Rakulacan in his role as the puppeteer of the Mudaliar Empire. However, Tailananth didn’t trust Geledish as much as he did his father, while Geledish was rash, didn’t want to keep up with the emperor’s immature behavior, and abhorred Nanru Nakar’s prevalence in the Kalavend.\n\nThus, when the storm of rebellion came to the gates of Nanru Nakar in 413, Geledish didn’t rally his army to save the empire from certain destruction, but instead executed Tailananth in cold blood, forming the kingdom of Rakulacimai from his remaining territory in the Kalavend.\n\nDuring the following decades, the Kalavend was dominated by Rakulacimai, a status quo only challenged by the Bandit Kings of Sibisimra in the south. The kings of Rakulacimai had a lavish lifestyle and invested excessive funds into their capital of Pirsitel, renamed Nanru Pirsitel under their rule. Entire chunks of ancient Nakari buildings were taken from the city to build the magnificent Agate Palace, while the silk workshops of Nakar Mlerek were burned to allow Pirsitel’s clothing industry to prosper. In the end, the kingdom was toppled in 459 by a large Mudaliar revolt from Nanru Nakar and Pirsitel was razed to the ground, leaving Parahechend as the area’s seat of power.
-15% Aggressive Expansion Impact

Scythed ChariotsDuring the days after the Ruin, with most Taychendi horses having perished south of Larankar and knowledge of Precursor horsemanship fading, the numerous warlords that sprung up around the old Slaver-Noble manorial estates made extensive use of the more manageable chariot in their armies. Although chariots eventually proved to be expensive and inefficient when compared to light and heavy cavalry, they have stayed relevant in the region with the help of various innovations and Taychendi stubbornness.\n\nThe city of Parahechend is known throughout Taychend as the city of chariots, making use of the swift, agile and docile horses of the surrounding drylands in their hippodrome games and chariot companies. Among their forces, the Scythed Chariots are the most feared; mounted with large steel blades protruding from the chariot’s wheels, they make up much of the Parahechendi army’s elite core. When unleashed on the battlefield, these terrifying machines of war can cut through enemy ranks with frightening ease, especially the unarmoured and ill-disciplined peasant levies common in Taychend.
+0.25 Cavalry Shock

The White QueenIn the aftermath of Nanru Nakar’s failed invasion of Ameion in 1734, a combined rebellion of Enlarmai and numerous Kalavendhi polities took down Nanru Nakar’s hold over the Kalavend. In the following decade, Parahechend, one of the warlord kingdoms that sprung up from this revolt, conquered the region and proclaimed a new kingdom of Rakulacimai.\n\nThis new Rakulacimai was ruled by Veliara the White Queen, a Taychendi name taken by Mihaela, long-time ally of the ruling Rakulacan dynasty. Veliara claimed that, as a Cannorian adventurer, she had found a powerful relic which granted her and her followers immortality, fashioning herself as a Relic-Lord like Ebenanth and Kadradar.\n\nThe truth was much darker. Unbeknownst to her people, Veliara was an Errant-Princess, one of the first vampires to be sired by Ettalinde, who had fled her home in Cannor in search of freedom and power. Learning from Rezankand and Ameion, who tried and failed to overturn Taychendi society, she instead decided to master the Great Cycle through vampiric strength, spreading the curse throughout the Rakulacan family, the primary enforcers of her rule. Her rule brought renewed prosperity to the Kalavend, as she took the devastating death of a Taychendi warlord out of the equation of Taychendi politics.
-15% Stability Cost Modifier

The War RigsDuring her rule,Veliara used her Cannorian connections to greatly expand Rakulacimai’s relic trade, inviting and accommodating unprecedented numbers of foreign adventurers, traders and artificers and building a legendary fortune in the process. Combined with the relics gathered by the Outsider Guilds and technology stolen from the Vustarin family of Royakottar, this wealth enabled Rakulacimai to become one of the main users of artificery in Taychend.\n\nFrom the marvels of artificery and the skill of Parahechendi chariot-makers were created the War Rigs, chariots armed with guns and magelocks, and armored with thick steel shells. These mechanical monsters were instrumental in Veliara’s military might, giving her a massive edge over other warlords as they rained down fire on her foes.
+15% Cavalry Combat Ability

Repaid in BloodBy founding such a major vampire kingdom, Veliara had drawn the ire of the Blood Court, an international organization concerned with maintaining the Masquerade, the strict laws that govern the global vampiric community.\n\nIntent on reining in the Errant-Princess, the Blood Court employed every form of subterfuge they could devise, waging a Shadow War that consumed the Kalavend for decades. They funded local revolts, while enticing Cannorian adventurers and missionaries to the region on missions to destabilize Rakulacimai, the Kingdom’s policy of openness thus proving a double-edged sword – and, of course, they often sent their own agents to Taychend, intent on working against the Pale Queen personally. \n\nThis unofficial war reached its climax in 1787, when the Four Families of Royakottar revolted against Rakulacimai. Initially supported by Rezankand, the rebels would be joined by an unlikely alliance of the Blood Court and the Ravelian Church in 1794, their combined forces, along with a revolt in Nanru Nakar, ensuring the total collapse of Veliara’s Kingdom. Though the White Queen disappeared during her kingdom’s collapse, there remains a significant vampiric infestation across Taychend.
-15% General Cost

+1 Yearly Absolutism


