Panusesi Ideas

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+50% Army Drill Gain Modifier
+75% Prestige per Development From Conversion

The Old LandsAbandoning their cities and fleeing from the chaos of the Onslaught, the Panušesi of old were born. They spread across the slopes of the Serpentspine from Mitiq to Utlazna, passing their traditions down through oral traditions and keeping limited written records. The Panušesi were hunters at heart, and would frequently roam the mountainsides of the Serpentspine to gather their food, only beginning to adopt agriculture close to the time of their fall. \n\nWhen the Akalites came to the Naza and modern Surani culture began to emerge in the Upper Suran, the Panušesi people were assimilated and slowly forced back towards the base of the mountains. While elements of the culture and architecture still exist in the region today, much of their history and beliefs have been lost to time, as many of the “oral keepers who passed down their traditions have died out and the limited written records of their ways have become damaged and destroyed by age, a process only hastened by the Sun Cult’s destruction of any evidence relating to the old Bulwari Pantheon.
-10% Development Cost in Primary Culture

Hašri ExileFollowing the centaur invasions of Bulwar in the 700s, the then King of Hašr, Sardukar III Arišamar, was none too popular among the ruling elites. They smelled opportunity and sought to damage his reputation, blaming him for the invasions and the damage wrought upon Hašr. This slander campaign went on for months until the Sardukar finally confronted the ringleader, Azariel, in a public meeting, seeking to best him in a verbal contest and clear his name. Unfortunately this plan backfired disastrously, and the royal guard had to intervene to prevent the Sardukar’s death. \n\nAn uprising followed, with nobles seeking to depose Sardukar III Arišamar. After a series of defeats and loss of control over the Upper Suran, Sardukar fled the city, seeking refuge in Panubar. Just as Azariel was being declared King of Hašr, Sardukar proclaimed the Kingdom of Panušes. This was not well received by Hašr, but they dared not act, as the recent coup by Azariel had left the state in a precarious position. A cold war would persist between the nations for decades, with each eternally at the other's throat. That was until 902, when the then heir of Panušes wed the King of Hašr, binding and uniting the kingdoms together once more.
+1 Land Leader Manoeuvre

Precise NeedlingThe Sun Elves discovered new techniques during the Great Wander for sewing silk and cloth together with magic, since their fabrics had to be resistant, durable and resource-efficient, to preserve what little the fleet had. These magics allowed them to create intricate detailing and vastly superior weaving than previously possible. After their arrival in Panušes, these techniques were combined with the superior local silks to make textiles of a quality never seen in Bulwar, and much sought after across all of Halann.
+10% Production Efficiency

Banners for ArmiesOver the years, a great multitude of powers have come to rule over Panušes, from petty kings to Jaher himself. Each one flew their own banner, a sigil for their troops to rally behind, and each time these banners were always woven from Panušesi silk. Their quality was unparalleled in the region, and the level of detail possible was awe-inspiring, a fact that filtered down into the hearts of the soldiers who rallied to the banners. Legends say that for as long as a banner of Panušesi silk flies over an army, it will never be broken, and these legends persist to this day.
+15% Recover Army Morale Speed

Jaddari TextilesDuring the early stages of industrialisation of the Jadd Empire in the late 1700s, Panušes became an epicentre of textile manufacturing. Its inherent proclivity for cotton and silken products drew talent and inventors into the region, one of whom, Nirissa szel-Panubar, created a new loom that would become known as the Kanukku. These massive machines were expensive to initially create but, once built, provided significantly increased production of textiles. The Kanukku would eventually be eclipsed by the Cannorian looms, but the competitive edge they granted the people of Panušes cannot be understated.
-5% Construction Cost
+5% Goods Produced Modifier

Coat of Many ColoursA tale almost as old as the land itself, Nalara and the Cloak of a Thousand Shades originated as a folk tale, supposedly based on a true story, of a woman with a multicoloured cloak, betrayed by her sisters for being their mother’s supposed favourite. In the course of the story, she ascends to the throne of the Zanbar, later confronted by her family who fail to recognise her. In the end, they all make amends and repair the damage that was done. In the late 1800s, the story was picked up by a travelling playwright, who spread it throughout Bulwar in the form of a play. The play would continuously gain popularity across the world as a whole throughout the 1900s.
+1 Yearly Prestige

Panušesi HoundThe Panušesi Hound is a dog breed native to the Panušes region of Bulwar. They are of an athletic build, with a signature curl in their tail, and generally have either brown or tan fur, though there have also been instances of black and white-furred pups. Originally bred to run long distances during hunts, these dogs are fast, sturdy and well capable of running vast distances without rest. Thanks to these traits, and the formidable intelligence they have retained as traditional work dogs, they have found a new home in our military, running messages between our camps. These messenger dogs have undoubtedly saved countless lives thanks to the speed with which they can relay commands.
-20% Envoy Travel Time
-10% Land Attrition

+15% Reinforce Speed