Ozgarom Ideas

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+1 Colonists
+20% Fort Defence

Conscript Runaway SlavesBramash's escape from Endralliande inspired the once broken fighting spirit in many orcs, and many realized that they'd preferred to try to escape instead of living in bondage forever. Many died trying or were caught, but those who've reached us are full of righteous wrath and eager to join our forces.
+10% National Manpower Modifier
-10% Infantry Cost

Vakar Ashgaran!The lands of Soruin are covered by deep jungle and rainforest. Our natural camouflage is ideal for guerrilla warfare in these lands. Our less strong, but still patriotic warriors can provide a lot of help this way. Let's make the colonizers tremble in fear, when they hear in our forests shout "Vakar Ashgaran!", "Crush the Invaders!"
+1 Attrition for Enemies

Slaves No More!We never hoped that humans will leave us alone and cease their attempts to bring us back under their rule. But they are just bunch of fat plantation owners, not the great warriors that stopped the Greentide and put our forefathers in chains. We will never submit to these pathetic creatures, and we will never forget our grudge against them! That idea was solidified for eternity in the song of Arusha Thundereye "Bardan no Bash!", "We are slaves no more!"
+10% Morale of Armies

Unchained NativesRuinborn are, just like us, persecuted by Cannorian colonizers all over Aelantir. They are enslaved just like us, but unlike orcs they are not able to cope with a lot of physical work and frequently pass away from overexhaustion. Still, they can be capable fighters, and their knowledge of Aelantir will help us expand in this foreign land. We should be tolerant to their beliefs and customs, since they've earned their place as members of Ozgarom.
+1 Max Promoted Cultures
+2 Tolerance of Heathens

Free PlantationsThe untamed jungles of Soruin are now our home, and we need to adjust it to our needs. If we distribute lands among freed orcs, they will have incentive to develop it. Unlike filthy human colonizers from Cannor we won't use an enslaved workforce to develop our lands, the people of Ozgarom can do it with our own hands.
-10% Development Cost

South Aelantiri TradeSoruin, the heart of our country, gathers trade from whole South Aelantir. Our merchants, both Orcish and Ruinborn, should be seen in all major ports of Aelantir to make sure goods from other region come to Ozgarom. Our common rival of the Cannorian colonizers should help us gain the trust of other Ruinborn.
+10% Global Trade Power

Cult of Bramash the LiberatorSoon after the death of Bramash, the shaman who liberated us from chains of human slavers, our citizens started to worship him as an avatar of Great Dookan. Some orcs suggested that he was second Dookanson, embodying the benevolent aspect of Dookan. But most believe that he is completely separate deity, never known before to anyone, personifying liberty, unyielding will and resistance to oppression. He was never widely recognised outside our country, but that does not hinder the faith of our people in the divine nature of our first leader.\n\nThis cult has spread across Ozgarom, unifying both Orcs and Ruinborn. It has never been neither oppressed nor promoted as the state religion, but has certainly been beneficial for the stability of our nation.
-20% Stability Cost Modifier

-10% Fire Damage Received