Oubbligschild Ideas

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+20% Land Force Limit Modifier
+10% Morale of Armies

With a Little Help From My FriendsGoverning is all about delegating. No one can do everything. The archfey, who we have made extensive pacts with in the past, rely on our warlocks to make their sometimes incomprehensible agendas a reality. The chain of delegation doesn’t stop there, though. As we may work for the archfey, other fey may work for us.\n\nOne example is the Aralez. These fey come in the shape of winged dogs and are exceptional at carrying mail and messages, all for a bit of consistent attention. Another common fey we work with are fairies. They can be difficult partners, but are excellent consequences for missed taxes. And we shouldn’t forget a favorite of all administrators, Dobies. Scarcely coming up to a goblin’s knees, Dobies will faithfully copy any text or writ given a pact for a warm hearth.\n\nSuffice to say, we’ve gotten very good at delegating. It’s no wonder that our clan functions smoother than so many others.
-20% State Maintenance

Conquests of OubbligThere was no greater forest goblin than our clan’s namesake, Oubblig. In a few short years, he had united the goblins of the southwest Deepwoods, pushed back the elves of the Bone Grove, and was poised to conquer Thorn Grove. But, Oubblig, our great clanboss, was betrayed by traitorous goblins who did not trust Oubblig’s pact with the fey. In order to protect us, our selfless leader sacrificed himself so that we could flee the Deepwoods. Oubblig’s legacy was shattered.\n\nNow we have returned to reclaim what was lost. Bit by bit we will claw back what is rightfully ours. And once we’ve done that, we will follow Oubblig’s ambition of building a true goblin clandom.
-25% Cost to fabricate claims

Warlock WallbreakersWhen Oubblig opened the Verdant Veil and let us out of the Deepwoods into Ourdia, we were faced with a kind of warfare we were not accustomed to: siege warfare. The Wood Elves mostly fought by ambush and raid, while the orcish invaders faced us in open battle. The Ourdians, however, attacked us from fortified positions of rock and mortar. While Bal Ouord proved vexing, lesser Ourdi castles have learned that rock and mortar quickly give way when faced with a goblin warlock that has received destructive magical powers.
+10% Siege Ability

For Our Patrons.. and UsBy now, everyone knows how closely coupled our clan is with the fey. It is natural for others to assume that our clan’s actions are not just our own choosing, but also our patrons’. We’ve found this to be particularly useful during peace negotiations.\n\nMore than once, as we sat across from defeated foes carving out our rightful winnings, we’ve found the threat of invoking our patrons’ wrath to be enough to quiet any protests. After all, what’s the loss of one more province compared to the anger of the archfey?
-15% Province War Score Cost

Cross Gladeway KingdomWe find ourselves in an odd position, caught between the lands of Ourdia and groves of the Deepwoods. To the west, revanchist humans and opportunistic exodus goblins threaten us. To the east, rival forest goblins, barbarous orcs, and pretentious wood elves endanger us. Simply put, we cannot be everywhere at once.\n\nWe can, however, be anywhere fast. At the orders of our clanboss, every army shall have at least one warlock with special pacts with sylphs, fey attuned to travel and wind. With the aid of these sylphs, we will ensure quick movement of our troops.
+1 Land Leader Manoeuvre
+8% Movement Speed

Enforced CooperationIt is all too well known that the Deepwoods is a hard land to live in. Too many goblins have met an early end to beast and flower. But, where there is hardship there is opportunity. The skins and furs of Deepwoods Stags and Boars are seen as exotic curiosities to Canovorians. The dyes made from the Bone Lilies can fetch a high price from the priests of the various Sun Cults in the south. And that is just a start.\n\nNo other clan, be it orc, elf, or goblin has access to both the Deepwoods and the markets we do. All we must do is ensure that our merchants band together rather than undercut each other. With that, our position of middleman is guaranteed.
+20% Caravan Power

Secrets of the FeyThe ignorant believe that the Fey are bound to the Feyrealm. And fools assume that the only connection between Halann and the Feyrealm is the Deepwoods. We are neither ignorant nor foolish. \n\nGiven enough will and power, a fey can cross into our world. And, throughout not just Cannor but all of Halann, there are many portals tucked away connecting our plane and the Fey’s. Perfect for the Fey we have pacts with to cross through.\n\nFrom these crossings, these fey have seen many things. They’ve heard many whispers of knowledge. And sometimes they deign to share those with us.
+20% Institution Spread In True Faith Provinces

+10% Mages Loyalty Equilibrium+10% Monstrous Tribes Loyalty Equilibrium