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Primary Culture

yes May Raid Coasts, including coasts of countries with same religion
yes May Recruit Female Generals
+15% Privateer Efficiency

Charter of Freedoms"All shall be free to do what they will, free from fear."\n\n-Charter of Freedoms of Oronsinoma \n\nAny action is permissible under the word of the law in Oronsinoma, save for those most heinous acts that take away the agency of others. Citizens of the Jungle Port are free from tyrannical law and suffer no judicial oversight, provided they steer clear from crimes such as murder, slavery, torture and black magics.
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

Haven for AllOronsinoma's population is a motley group. Positively cosmopolitan by Vyzemby standards, it is not unheard of for exiles from halfway across Halann to make their way to the criminal heart of the Summer Isles. Men and women, be their blood warm or cold, their stature great or small, fanged or toothed, are all welcomed with open arms. A fortunate side effect of this policy in recent years has been a bolstered pool of capable soldiers.
+10% National Manpower Modifier
+1 Max Promoted Cultures

Great Black FleetEvery captain who calls Oronsinoma home must swear on whatever book, tablet, idol or ancestor they hold dear that they will defend their home port to the death. These sailors and their crews constitute the Great Black Fleet, a diverse armada of myriad vessels prepared to do what they must to uphold their beloved way of life.
+20% Naval Force Limit Modifier

Banana BeerWhile the halflings of Cannor may pretend that their ales, ciders and perries are the finest in the land, most Vyzemby of Oronsinoma know that banana beer is the only drink for them. From seedy portside beer halls to the finest taverns in Oronsinoma, each and every establishment has at least one keg of the stuff. Citizens delight in it, and the world looks on with curiosity… and perhaps a hankering for a mug?
-1 National Unrest
+5% Production Efficiency

Soldiers of Patriotism and FortuneFreedom in Oronsinoma extends even to conscription. Barring existential threats to the state, the government is prohibited from forcing its citizens enlist in its forces. Outside of such dire occasions, soldiers fall into one of two camps: volunteers who are simply happy to be fighting, and mercenaries who are happier still to do so for coin.
-10% Morale Damage Received

Coastrunner Lumber and Shipbuilding CompanyThe Coastrunner Lumber and Shipbuilding Company claim to be the finest shipbuilders among all Mboala, and few are able to argue with their claim. Their vessels launch regularly from Oronsinoma's ports as merchants, pirates and privateers, and even as navy vessels. The republic's government has proven more than willing to give them a great deal of support in exchange for sourcing ships and the wood to maintain them for cheap.
-10% Light Ship Cost
-10% Naval Maintenance Modifier

Swashbucklers of FahvanosyYou can cram an awful lot of halflings into a ship, owing to their small stature. This proves quite advantageous during boarding actions, when a veritable tide of puny pirates rush forward biting, slashing, stabbing and shooting. Such a display is greatly demoralizing to the enemy, not to mention the savings stemming from being able to steal ships rather than building them from scratch.
+20% Chance to Capture Enemy Ships
+5% Morale of Navies

+10% Global Trade Power


