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Primary Culture

+1 Leader(s) without Upkeep
+10% Garrison Size

The Untaken IslandFew can say they have entered Kottar Orenkoraim through the force of arms. A castle built around a titanic statue on an island at the mouth of the Kalavend River, ever since the Day of Ashen Skies has this strategic position been the envy of the surrounding warlords. And for control of this position many sought to invade our kingdom and lay siege to our cities. While Palaya Orenkoraim, our old capital on the mainland, has resisted countless sieges thanks to its thick walls and resilient populace, those outside its safety would fear for their lives and make for the island-fortress of Kottar Orenkoraim, which is Orenkoraim's true last line of defense.\n\nAfter a series of wars with their neighbours in the 1400s the rulers of Orenkoraim realised the island's strategic position was invaluable, and moved their court there, laying the first stone for an island-city that would prosper and flourish in the centuries to come.
+20% Fort Defence

The Gates of the KalavendControl over the Kalavend estuary is Orenkoraim's greatest gift. This control is enforced through the gates, a set of two fortified towers, one on each shore with a large chain suspended between them. For ships and boats to enter the Kalavend the chains must be lowered, for a toll of course. Alternatively, these ships can now trade in Orenkoraim's ports.
+10% Global Trade Power

Cankamam TraditionCankamam tradition glassware, beaten by the Death Glass of Arpedifér in both beauty and strength, is nonetheless world-renowned for its beauty, creative shapes and vibrant colours. The sand of the Kalavend river makes for malleable glass and the many vibrant dyes found in Taychend let the glassmakers of Cankamam make works of art no Cannorian aristocrat would be seen without.
+10% Production Efficiency

Nakar Koraim"Port City", the harbour and mercantile district recently opened in Kottar Orenkoraim, has grown into a mayhem of winding streets, bazaars, crowded harbours and various drydocks whose total size rivals that of a respectable city. Its streets are overflown with merchants from the widest reaches of the known world selling their wares. Spices, glasswork, textiles, artefacts and slaves are common sights. Though as in all such towns not all work is peaceful: adventurers, mercenaries, thieves and pirates find a haven in Nakar Koraim. Though many may see this purely as a negative, we have come to know that in the event of war even these miscreants desire to defend their home.
-10% Mercenary Cost

Elrandar the WallmakerA city with no walls will not last long in the Taychend, be it because of rival dhavanas, hill folk raiders or outside invaders. In the early days after the ruin, Palaya Orenkoraim was one of these wall-less cities. A warlord from Cankamam would take the city and mistreat its people, and from this situation a hero would rise.\n\nElrandar challenged the Cankamam warlord to personal combat for rule over the city, and despite the warlord calling upon the help of his companions Elrandar slew them all in a great feat of strength. Now Elrandar led the people of Palaya Orenkoraim to conquer Cankamam. After tearing down the walls and temples of Cankamam, the bricks would be moved along the Kalavend back to Palaya Orenkoraim. Using the stones of their walls and temples would Elrandar order the construction of thick durable walls that were made to reach the heavens, where Elrandar fights to this day after ascending to the gods. In the age of western and eastern invaders imitating the Wallmaker may be the only solution for survival.
-10% Construction Cost

Legacy of LarankarOf the humiliations in Orenkoraimi history, the most humiliating must be the subservience to Larankar. A shame upon his people and family Dhavana Aldatam showed himself to be weak and dishonourable. He was unable to defend Cankamam and the nearby territories from the Larankarha invasion and was facing revolt. Fearing his rule was coming to an end, he put it over the prosperity and honour of his people, and opened the gates of Palaya Orenkoraim so his new overlords could slaughter all who opposed his rule. Now all the people of Orenkoraim must make up for Aldatam's dishonour and free Orenkoraim from the Larankarha yoke.
+10% Morale of Armies

The Last Free Port of TaychendLuxury goods from Taychend were in high demand among the Cannorian upper classes, tea, spices, cloths and glassware flowed from Taychend enriching the region with Cannorian silver and gold. Ameion, in an attempt to steer this trade through their homeland, closed off their Taychendi ports to the Kilaieknem (Easterners) and forced upon them exorbitant prices. Orenkoraim would be the last Taychendi port open to outsiders, outsiders with new ideas and technology. And just like they left their silver and gold when they sailed away so did they leave these ideas and technologies, especially new inventions in weaponry and military tactics that were attractive for the warlike Taychendi.
-10% Military Technology Cost


