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Primary Culture

+20% Foreign Spy Detection
+2 Attrition for Enemies

The First MenLong before the Sangsongha built their first cities, and even before the ancestors of the Chimbija roared across the western wastes, our people established the serene realm of Odheongu, laying the groundwork for all that stands today.\n\nWhile others may claim otherwise, only we can be trusted to lead this country to prosperity.
-15% Cost of Advisors with Ruler's Culture

Hwalbaej ClansWhile every self-respecting Odheongun is a skilled archer, none can claim to be more proficient with the venerable bow than the Menjeotaen, and especially the ancient Hwalbaej clans of Ondeog. Descended from the first tribes that joined Menjaeng's nascent kingdom, they have honed their craft to perfection for nearly two millennia, passing their knowledge down to future generations.
+15% Infantry Combat Ability
+5% Nobility Loyalty Equilibrium

Daesung FortressesSoaring high over the highlands and hills, the crescent shaped Daesungs have been built and maintained by the Menjeotaen since before Menjaeng united the tribes long ago. First built to defend against rival clans, they became a key part in slowing Bhengudak's invasion, as well as repelling incursions from Daengun and Gwangang during the Sewengun Period.
+20% Fort Defence

Sacred LandsOndeog is the ancestral heartland of Odheongu and is dotted with countless spirit shrines and temples. As the custodians of these sacrosanct bastions, our people are ardent practitioners of our faith.
+2 Tolerance of the True Faith

BulcheunThough strong in spirit, Ondeog is weak in manpower. This was especially clear during the Sewengun, as the endless armies of Daengun and Gwangang sought to see us conquered.\n\nThe Bulcheun was developed to resolve this issue, a cart that could launch hundreds of screaming arrows into an opposing force at a time - just a dozen behind the walls of a Daesung could decimate an army ten times the size of the garrison.
+0.1 Artillery Fire
+10% Artillery Damage from Back Row

Ancient GardensBeautiful beyond words and cultivated with care for generations, the vast gardens of Ondeog are serene places of contemplation and relaxation for our people.
-15% Stability Cost Modifier

Siniashoe CadreThe Siniashoe is a council of advisors made up of trusted and competent relatives of the royal line to assist our monarch in administering the kingdom, handling such delicate matters as successions and diplomatic treaties while acting as stewards for the furthest reaches of our realm. Additionally, they act as the voice of the throne in the sovereign's stead.
+1 Monarch Administrative Skill

-0.05 Monthly Autonomy Change


