Nurcestiran Ideas

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+1 Diplomatic Reputation
+10% Morale of Armies

New Towns InitiativeThe New Towns Initiative was an adventurer-led reform during the late Greentide which encouraged adventurers and pioneers to settle and built new towns over the destroyed ones of Escann, after all, Núrcestir means New Camp (or Town) in Elven.
-10% Construction Cost

Núrcestiran RiteThe infamous Núrcestiran Rite was a teaching style of magic that was prevalent throughout Escann, and was one the main causes of the Age of Witch-Kings. The Rite abandoned the limitations and rules set by the old Magisterium and encouraged new, and sometimes dangerous, thinking, creating new generation of creatively powerful mages and savant administrators.
-5% Idea Cost
+1 Monarch Administrative Skill

"Celebrate every victory...§Y... as if it was your last"§!\n\nThis was a common saying in Núrcestir which was popularized during the country's early defeats in wartime. Each battle then became a fight to the death which vastly improved the army's morale which in turn uplifted the nations from near-annihilation.
+100% Prestige from Land battles

Núrcestir LimberInstead of being a support role within the army, in Núrcestiran warfare war revolved around a very agile and maneuverable artillery - all of which started due to wheel innovations by the half-orc Croga Wheelsmith.
+10% Artillery Combat Ability

A Pragmatic StateIn wake of the revelations of Castellos death and rise of religious fractures in Cannor - the Núrcestiran state enacted a law of pragmatism: that no loyal subject of the nation would be prosecuted for their beliefs.
+2 Tolerance of Heretics

The Splendid CourtIn 1670s the Kingdom of Núrcestir renovated the crumbing Imperial Palace of Castonath and in under a year it became the seat of government. Eventually, the vastly influential royal household moved in and opened its doors to any courtier and noble willing to enjoy the grace of the crown. This allowed Núrcestir to consolidate the state while the nobility were distracted with splendid balls and parlour games.
+1 Yearly Prestige
+0.5 Yearly Absolutism

The Wheel TurnsA proverb by the philosopher Bertus síl na Jor, Núrcestirans believe firmly in that in the grand scheme of things we are insignificant and all things must come to an end: there is no point being caught up on the trivial, we must instead look past it and seek greatness.
-2 National Unrest

+1 Monarch Diplomatic Skill