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Primary Culture

+25% Institution Spread
+10% Morale of Navies

Survival Through NecessityThe isles of the Broken Sea are harsh; indeed, they are some of the harshest lands on Halann. Thus, these frozen wastes have shaped Nortiochanders into a people of brutal practicality.\n\nWhen the first settlers arrived, they did not admire the view, nor did they wax poetically about what was to come. They laid out blueprints, unloaded construction materials, and began to build. When a single missed deadline can leave you and everyone you know freezing to death, efficiency and productivity do not just aid in survival, they are mandatory.\n\nThis philosophy of efficiency and speed as not only ideal, but necessary, has persisted throughout Nortiochand’s existence, and has spurred one of the most cut-throat cultures in the world. If a product is delayed, the workers responsible are fired. If a project is not constructed on time, its builders will never work again. After all, as boats flow from Cannor, their replacements are practically queueing up. Safety regulations, warning labels, worker well-being: these are all luxuries that Nortiochand cannot afford. Results must be on-time and on-budget, for survival itself is at stake.
-15% Construction Time

Legacy of the ExpeditionsNortiochand, in contrast to its neighbours Themaria or Istranar, is no ‘adventurer-state’. Nor is it a colony directly established by Cannorian colonial endeavor, like Noo Oddansbay or Endralliande. Rather, it began as an autonomous research expedition nominally answering to the Gnomish Hierarchy, sent to search for preserved northern Precursor Relics and potentially chart a northern route to Haless. \n\nIn these goals, the Nortiochand Expedition succeeded, and though it has since grown into something much greater, the legacy of those early exploratory initiatives remains strong. Stories persist in the popular consciousness of noble Nortiochander explorers travelling through frozen wastes, fighting savage Ice Sleepers to reclaim ancient Precursor treasure, drawing ever more young volunteers to the Nortiochander Expeditionary Fleets.\n\nIn addition, the expertise of those original expeditions remains: a deep understanding of how to supply and sustain a large force for months or even years in harsh climates without resupply. Across Aelantir, Nortiochanders are renowned for their efficiency in storage and use of constrained supplies, whether on expeditions or on the march.
+5% National Sailors Modifier
+25% National Supply Limit Modifier

Icebreaker HullsOceans freeze, storms rage, and Nortiochander ships sail.\n\nCleaving through ice sheets like a hot knife through butter, the signature hulls of the Nortiochander Expeditionary Fleets are clad in thin sheets of jet-black steel, further reinforced with heating and abjuration artifice. Thus Nortiochand’s ships sail no matter the weather, even in the harshest of winters. The faint glow of these ice-melting charms around the solid steel icebreaker hulls gives Nortiochander vessels the appearance of black stars, shining in the white void of a broken sea blizzard.\n\nA happy side effect of these reinforcements is that when it comes time for Nortiochander fleets to do battle, those same abjuration charms and steel hulls reflect and withstand cannonfire that would sink lesser vessels. With construction this brilliant, is it any wonder Nortiochander ships are feared across Aelantir?
+5% Ship Durability

Artifice without LimitsTis an artificer not entitled to the fruits of his genius?\n\nNo, says the man in Anbenncost, it belongs to the poor.\nNo, says the man in Jaddanzar, it belongs to god.\nNo, says the man in Sarilavhan, it belongs to the state!\n\nWe rejected those answers. Instead, we chose something different. We chose the impossible. We chose… Nortiochand.\n\nA state where the artificer would not fear the Gommo, where the innovator would not be constrained by petty morality, where the great would not be held back by the closed-minded! And, through the merit of your own innovation, Nortiochand can become your home as well.
-10% Technology Cost

The Fight for ProgressAcross Halann, there are battlecries. For the King, they shout, for the Queen! For Dookan or for Surael, for prophecy or for honour. Yet, these are shouted with hesitation, with aberration, with doubt. Not so in Nortiochand.\n\nFor when the armies of Nortiochand march to war, they march not for monarchs or gods, but for that one true, universal goal; progress. It is for rationality that their soldiers fight, for a new tomorrow that their cannons fire! \n\nNot just in the battlefield can this spirit be seen, but in every aspect of Nortiochander life. From the lowliest service worker to the most acclaimed innovator, every man, woman, and child is motivated throughout their daily tasks by the knowledge that they do so to bring about the future just that smidgeon sooner. It is this morale too that spurs each of them to fight for their country, and to do so with the unbreakable certainty of Nortiochand’s righteousness. \n\nSo, noble Nortiochanders, fight on! For knowledge! For innovation! For progress!
+10% Morale of Armies

Frozen MetropoliOnce, the glaciers of the Broken Sea were but barren wastes, devoid of all but frost and cold. Now above them rise monuments of stone and steel, glowing pillars of progress standing defiantly against blizzard and stagnation alike.\n\nThese are the mighty cities of Nortiochand, built tall and compact to best preserve heat from the generators at their cores. While gales blow beyond city limits, Nortiochanders sleep free from the worries of frostbite, and for those with means, living quarters can be downright toasty. Where other inhabitants of Aelantir’s far north huddle for warmth around fires, the clockwork and piping of Nortiochand’s cities keep its people heated in a far more efficient, and civilised, manner.\n\nRather than streets along the surface, passages are carved into the ice, warmed and lit by modern lamps. Though city dwellers still don fur coats, snow goggles, and other winter wear, they do so for comfort, not out of absolute necessity.\n\nSome question how Nortiochand could power a system such as this, yet is it any wonder that the state of reason, the haven of artificers everywhere, has mastered methods of mere heating that others call mathematically impossible?
+15% Production Efficiency

Nortiochand Aeronautics AssociationBallooning was first popularised by the peoples of Yanshen, but it was Nortiochanders that perfected the art. Where other designers built airships for the mere monsoons of Haless, ours built them for the blizzards of the broken sea. Now Nortiochand’s skies are patrolled as securely as its lands and seas, kept safe for innovation.\n\nWith ruthless efficiency we have pioneered, innovated, and elaborated, constructing skyships that cannot be beaten in speed, capacity, or cost-efficiency. True, compromises have been made when it comes to safety and redundancy, but the resulting anomalies have never exceeded acceptable levels.\n\nActing as driver and symbol both of this innovation is the Nortiochand Aeronautics Association, a combined business and university which teaches prospective airship pilots and engineers, manufactures more airships for the fleet, and produces groundbreaking new designs. For it is only in Nortiochand that such genius can take to the sky, and fill it with the smog and fumes of prosperity!
+10% Global Trade Power

+1 Attrition for Enemies


