Nirenun Syul

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Nirenun Syul

Primary Culture

+5% Discipline
+10% Production Efficiency

Path to OrderOur brethren have been united, at least all who see the reason in the fight against Chaos. Through blood and tears we have united Nomshuylhan under our great clan. We have taken the first step in our quest to restore balance to Chaos and Order, but the greatest tests are yet to come. We must prepare, for the road ahead will not be easy. Many will resist the hard truths we carry upon our winds, but we will speak them regardless, for only in truth will we find order.
-15% Stability Cost Modifier

A Tempest UnleashedUnited now under the banner of the black dragon we amass our strength and rally our forces. While we have secured our heartlands, we remain surrounded by agents of Chaos on all sides. If we are to truly aid Order in this great fight, we must unleash the tempest of our fury and fervor, and sweep aside these fell non-believers. Under the leadership of our great war mages, we will bring Order and Chaos back into balance on this world, through blood, steel and magic.
-15% Core-Creation Cost

Dragonel ScreamersThe Dragonnels of our homelands are our pride, and our people have utilised them in warfare to great effect for hundreds of years. Now our skilled breeders and mages have produced a new pedigree of dragonnel, capable of making the wind seem to scream before it as they fly. Sleek and black as the night, with blue balls of fire that travel quick as a blink, these beasts inspire fear in all those who stand against us. \n\nSo common is the fear of our great dragons’ fury, that adventurer lodges and bestiaries contain a well deserved warning of their ferocity. As the saying goes: “When the wind screams in Nomsyulhan, the fool runs and the wise man makes peace with his life.”
+10% Cavalry to Infantry Ratio
+15% Cavalry Combat Ability

Our Lost BrothersThe Great Command our hobgoblins just like ourselves, but our paths have greatly deviated. They believe that no Gods are worth their worship, living by philosophy and moral tenet alone. Not only that, they believe magic to be little more than an annoying nuisance in the path of control and order. Oh how misguided they are, for magic is not a hindrance of order, but the very path to it. By locking up mages with their black Damestear chains, they turn their back on Order without even knowing it. \n\nThe Great Command may be our brother folk, but they are an existential threat to our existence and way of life. We must bring the light to our brethren, whatever the cost, so that we may survive their blades and turn them to our side as champions against Chaos in the wars to come.
+10% Manpower in same Culture Group provinces
+20% Manpower in Primary Culture provinces

Light in the DarknessIn the wake of the Ashen Skies and Chaos’ ascension to dominance, the light of Order has been driven back. For centuries, the darkness of Chaos threatened to snuff out what was left of the light and plunge Halann into an eternal darkness of madness, despair and lawlessness. \n\nNow, however, we have become a bastion of that light, driving back the darkness. In our lands, it matters little from where one comes from or who they are so long as they aid in the fight against Chaos. In our lands, all are equal in the fight against the dark, and are welcome in our society. This approach of cultural tolerance has allowed our diplomatic corp to expand to encompass a multitude of cultures, opening up easier avenues of communication with foreign states.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

DenunransuninAll over Haless our mighty Denunransunin have become synonymous with power and strength. It is said that to have a Denunransun on your side is to assure victory, and to face one, certain death. Be it through arcane might and proficiency or druidic practices or spirit pacts, our mages have become masters of evocation and enchantment magic. In sieges they summon meteors to fell the walls of our enemies, in battles they conjure storms more violent than the worst typhoons, and with these terrible instruments leave our troops unscathed but wash away our enemies in a tidal wave of fury. \n\nThe greatest fables even speak of Denunransunin bringing forth huge titans of rock and arcana from the mountains themselves. While no written record of these events exist, the legend helps to solidify our mages might, and our foes quake in fear as our Denunransunin lead the charge against Chaos.
+10% Shock Damage

Scholars of the Great GatewayNomsyulhan is a veritable treasure trove of relics of the bygone age of the False Enlightened. Monuments of their failure are scattered all across the valley, from the otherworldly flora and fauna, to the ruins of Th’eas Aschur and Bizoharite; but there is one relic that stands far above the others - both literally and metaphorically. The great gateway pierces the center of the plateau, a device unlike any other, a relic of incredible potential - and danger. Through this construct the False Enlightened brought artifacts, plants and creatures from foreign worlds here, and in doing so corrupted this land and tainted its aura. \n\nWhile we would never seek to use the device to further the corruption they brought to Nomsyulhan, our best minds still study this gateway, attempting to unlock its secrets in the hopes that its abilities could be recreated in more controlled manners.
-5% Technology Cost

+2% Missionary Strength


