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Primary Culture

+5% Discipline
+2 Tolerance of the True Faith

The Onyx LegacyWhen the Legion was expelled from Cannor and headed to Aelantir we were known as one of the most formidable armies in the world and, whilst we have grown beyond these origins, this legacy leaves a clear mark on our armies.
-10% Shock Damage Received

Cleansing the Bone CathedralThe Bone Citadel is a hallowed, majestic structure built by the Precursors: it must be a temple in honour of Nerat. However the Cheshoshi who once lived here have defiled this sacred place, using it as a temple to their heretical practices.\n\nNeratica shall cleanse this temple of all remnants of the Death Cult and in its place a grand Cathedral to Nerat shall be built, and it is in this temple the Cheshoshi will stand trial for their misdeeds.
-15% Stability Cost Modifier

Guiding the Lost SoulsInitially it was believed the Cheshoshi were beyond redemption, however, with the defeat of the final tribe of the Cheshoshi we saw a new path for the Cheshoshi. Unlike the other tribes those of the Soru have proven themselves to not be beyond Nerat's guidance, with some in their tribe coming to see Nerat as the true god of death, and rejecting the old tenets of the Death Cult.
+2% Missionary Strength

Tending the GraveyardsWhen the Onyx Legion first arrived in the Reaper's Coast we represented Nerat's fury, with a single task: to remove the heretical Death Cult and cleanse Aelantir of its influence.\n\nAfter many years this goal has been achieved, and the final tribe of the Cheshoshi has fallen before the might of Neratica. Now Neratica must look to the future and must make for ourselves a home, and tend to the graves of the fallen.
-10% Construction Cost

Ghost PeppersThe jungle of the Reaper's Coast is a harsh environment, and many our people have been plagued with many strange diseases since our arrival. Our priests have found that by combining a ghost-white pepper found along the coast with other medicine brought from Cannor they have been able to strengthen these remedies, such that our people can be protected from these new diseases.
-15% Land Attrition
+5% Average Monarch Lifespan

The Place of the FallenThe ways of the Cheshoshi are horrific and brutal, with ritualistic sacrifice of both enemy and friend alike being considered commonplace. While Neratica has taken great measures to free the Cheshoshi form this old identity one aspect still perseveres: their warrior-culture. Much to our benefit the Ruinborn of Neratica prove to themselves to be confident warriors, and they make up much of the lower ranks of our legions.
-15% Culture Conversion Cost
+10% National Manpower Modifier

Death Comes for AllAs the last remnants of the cult is wiped from Reaper's Coast Nerat turns his eyes north to look upon the Trollsbay, and what he sees disgusts him. Most there now reject Nerat with some having turned from the Regent Court, embracing Corin's zeal or Ravelianism and their 'One God'. Even worse there are rumours of some rejecting mortality altogether, with reports of vampires surfacing from all around the Trollsbay.\n\nThe path Neratica must take is clear. Death now descends upon the Trollsbay just as it once did upon the Reaper's Coast.
-0.03 Monthly War Exhaustion

+10% Production Efficiency


