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Primary Culture

-1 National Unrest
+2 Tolerance of Heretics

Weathered the StormAs fields burned around us and greater cities fell, humble Negechimudh largely avoided attracting the attention of the hordes that ravaged the land during the Great Incursion. Thousands returning to find their homes gone end up flocking to the safety of our walls to make a new one.
+15% National Manpower Modifier

A City on the RiseWe've always been a relatively unimportant city within the Brightmarch, long the subjects of our more populous neighbors. No more shall we pay tithes to Qarshtuluu or have our people toil under the cruel gazes of Orilgbulrek and Vahjevgiiv. We've been granted an opportunity to pursue greatness, one that we intend to take full advantage of.
-5% Development Cost
+5% National Tax Modifier

Of Ash and GlassNegechimudh was founded by a combination of emaciated refugees from the east and exiles from Qarshtuluu. Coming from such wildly different backgrounds, our forefathers built a community where all opinions and theories are heard out, introducing ideals that continue to be upheld within our academic circles.
-5% Idea Cost

Voice of the WeakAs our city grows and prospers, we must not forget our humble origins, nor must we abandon those that haven't been able to secure such great fortunes as we.
+1 Diplomats

An Amiable PeopleWhile other cities use strong-arm tactics and vitriolic rhetoric to advance their positions, our people are known for their gentle and hospitable demeanors. Many find conversing with our diplomats and politicians as easy and comforting as speaking to a beloved relative.
+20% Improve Relations

The WeaverwoodWhen out forefathers settled this land they brought hundreds of saplings with them. They planted them around the walls to grow the foreboding Weaverwood, a tangled mass of branches and vines that acts as a better deterrent to invading armies than simple stones ever could.
+10% Fort Defence

South of the GemThe reconstruction of Qarshtuluu has proved a great boon to us, as ships pass in and out of their refurbished port many choose to stop by our quiet city, taking the opportunity to take a break from the crowded and tumultuous atmospheres of larger cities.
+10% Trade Power Abroad

+10% Production Efficiency


