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Primary Culture

+20% National Sailors Modifier
+20% Naval Force Limit Modifier

Paradise CityThe resort city of Nazhni was the shining jewel of Karasskas culture, nobles and artists from all over the realm arrived at our ports on regular times of the year, bringing with them all of the newest fashion and trends of the empire, to this day, although the empire is no more, it is still considered as one of the greatest centers of lizardfolk culture.
+1 Yearly Prestige

Mutated By The SeaAs far as one could tell us lizardfolk have been at a constant back and forth with their northern rivals, as a result, a strategic tactics race has developed resulting in much of the usually effective Khet tactics to be countered by us, what's more our people have grown accustomed to military service and recruitment in the process.
+15% National Manpower Modifier

NazyhnThe local seaweed in Nazhni is said to be as strong as a tree from the silver forest, serving as the backbone of the Nazhni shipping industry and before the nazhyn was the main export, more recently, outside traders have begun to dry and eat it, a strange custom that we would surely exploit.
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

Softskin PredatorsThe consumption of nazhyn in Cannor is growing with each passing year, more and more foreign traders arrive at our shores and our people can small the profit, not once has a Nazhni merchant repeated the unofficial motto "prey or be prayed upon" and so our traders tend to be on the offensive in most trade discussions as a consequence from this practice our traders often end up getting the upper hand.
+15% Trade Efficiency

KhynazhGoing on missions under a pretense of forging trade agreements, these highly trained spies originating from the clans are very effective in bringing useful information to light and revealing many opportunities across the world.
+20% Spy Network Construction

KharanyLife inside of a lizardfolk village is centered around the Kharany, big smoking houses visible from all corners of the village, these traditional places are natural meeting places for people to meet and catch up on news and discuss varied topics. As a result new ideas from foreign merchants can be easily spread to the people.
+15% Institution Spread
-1 National Unrest

Welcome At Any HarbourOur people’s reputation precedes them, and our traders reap the benefits, in nearly all corners of the world, the name Nazhni is synonymous with traders and the act of trade itself, our traders offer outsiders the wealth of Sarhal, and thus nearly every port from Cannor to Haless offers us a safe harbor to trade.
+15% Ship Trade Power
+25% Trade Range


