Nay Kwhan Ideas

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-10% Reinforce Cost
-10% Shock Damage Received

Path of the WoodcutterIn the first blow, you seem to know what you’re doing and why. You are here to collect the resources that the wooden pillar keeps from you. You long for warmth, rest, and supper. But the way to those things is through the tree. And so you keep swinging.\nAs you swing more, you become frustrated. Your arms start to hurt from the strikes. Your back starts to hurt from the carrying. Your spirit starts to hurt from the exhaustion. But they keep telling you to keep going. You’re here for a reason. The wood is needed. And so you keep swinging.\nAnd as you swing more, you become accustomed. Your arms get used to the weight of the axe and the stress of the reverberation. Your back muscles strengthen. Your mind grows resistant to fatigue. And so you keep swinging.\nAnd now there is nothing in the world but you and the axe and the tree. The wind that is your breath is parted by the axe that is your hand as it strikes the tree that is your body. You are all of these things and none. You are the current of the strokes, the pattern of the motions, doing without thinking, at peace in the strokes of the axe.\nThis is the Path of the Woodcutter.
+50% Army Drill Gain Modifier

Sound of The JungleAs a monk’s tenure in Nay Kwhan passes by, it is hard for him to not fall into a stereotype of a human living in seclusion - strong, but brutish and clumsy. To counteract the cultivation of these undesired traits, after 5 years a monk gets promoted as he is tasked with a new chore - making an instrument of his choosing. When it is done, he is then delegated to mastering his instrument, as long as it can endure the training.\nThis tradition initially caused a discord among the community, as the uncoordinated monks were not only playing badly, but their sound was making the normal chores unbearable. To amend this, masters of the monastery established a canon of instruments that the adepts would choose from, after which teachers were assigned to each of the instruments. That reform proved to fix this problem as the chaos of out of tune beginners turned into a rhythmic accompaniment that perfectly compliments the sound of chopped wood.
-15% Stability Cost Modifier

The Two AxesWhile venturing the lands of Xianjie, there is one good indicator of whether you are inside or outside Nay Kwhan’s territory - the amount of axes on the back of a monk.\nWhen residing in the borders of the monastery’s influence, the monks are mostly seen with a simple lumberjack axe, tending to their peaceful ways and not minding a thing in a world.\nOutside of Nay Kwhan’s borders, their backs gain a new war axe. Normally stocked in monasteries during peace, these weapons are devastating in the hands of a well seasoned handler, as the calm monks turn into ruthless machines of indiscriminate carnage, that carve their way through anyone who dares to put their home in danger.
+10% Infantry Combat Ability

The Present and The Future“It is an easy thing to ravage. To exploit with no doubts, leaving a bare landscape behind you. But how wasteful this point of view is! How could one leave the place barren, when so many resources are still there, left valueless to the ones that care not about the future.\nA forest is a prime example of this. How could one just leave it bare and empty, when the seeds of its trees are as close as a glance to your feet! To not replant, is not only to be ignorant of the future tree that may be cut down by the same person, but dare I say, is an act of wasting the land’s chi.”\n- Part of “The Treatise on Resourcefulness” by Pulatan of the Woodcutter Path.
-5% Development Cost
-25% Cost of Reducing War Exhaustion

A Taste of HomeThe Path of the Woodcutter is bedded with many weeks of a struggle against yourself in the pursuit of a flow state. It can be done potentially anywhere, but it cannot be done anytime. The weather changes over time, and the more extreme seasons make the work of the lumberjack not only more exhausting, but more crucially, very dangerous.\nIn the moments of hailing winds and rains and the scorching suns, the monks gather food and make ornaments in their shrines and monasteries, as they organize a festival to celebrate the time of break and reminisce the experiences of the past years. It is a moment of relief, where the disciples of the Woodcutter Path can tend to things other than meditation, such as the customary Kai funeral rites.
+10% National Tax Modifier

Forest ShrinesAs every Sikai does, the monks of Nay Kwhan care a lot about the journey at the end of one’s life. Once every year, they spread around the land for a whole month, finding those who died in solitude and giving them their bodies a special resting place in Kwhanhu’s shrine-graveyards.\n\nOnce every monk comes back, they honor the newly buried, as everyone makes sure to visit the abandoned graves as well as graves of their close relatives, maintaining them and burning spirit paper to ensure safety and internal peace for the entombed spirits, believing it reduces the number of vengeful and malevolent spirits that roam Xianjie.
+2 Tolerance of the True Faith

Rotted AwayThe Xianjie saw many great leaders conquer and occupy its lands, but none were as ruthless and harsh as the Hobgoblin Command. Their invasion caught the Xia off guard, as they stormed into the Xiadao in just four years, despite the fierce resistance of the Xiaken. This guerilla warfare was something that the Command could not tolerate, and so they turned to practices that only monsters could execute - to raze everything related to the monasteries to the ground. For some of them this was easy - and unfortunately for the Nay Kwhan, their wooden crafts were particularly trivial to erase, being both flammable and highly visible. The unique craftsmanship and martial forms of the Nay Kwhan disappeared by the early 1600s, and were never restored by the Xia.
+20% Institution Spread In True Faith Provinces

-10% Construction Cost