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Primary Culture

-5% Idea Cost
-15% Reelection Cost

Children of TyrannyNarkel was founded by the citizens of the City of Tyranny, forced from their homes when our neighbors razed the city to the ground and slew the Tyrant Queen. Though many around us claim to have suffered from her brutality, nobody suffered more than we, her own people. We must ensure a tyrant never rules Blackwater Point again.
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

Wizards of the FederationMany in the islands shun and distrust magic, largely due to our aforementioned Tyrantess. We, however, embrace the arcane arts, even if we keep our mages closely controlled and subject to frequent inspections of their studies.
+10% Shock Damage

Blackstone ArchitectureOur city is renowned for its unique architecture, being made from glassy black stones first harvested from the ruins of the City of Tyranny. We have since discovered how to produce a similar material using our mages, which we use to expand our city and trade to our allies.
-10% Construction Cost
+5% Domestic Trade Power

Raiders of the Old CityOur young men like to venture to the Old City to poke around the scorched remains and deep dungeons. Though we may chastise them against it, the artifacts they sometimes return with usually cause us to turn a blind eye to their disobedient actions.
+10% National Tax Modifier

Tyrant's Gulf TradeOur city is the largest in Blackwater Point, a large headland that juts into the Tyrant's Gulf, or Zoximari Gulf. We greatly benefit from our advantageous position.
+10% Global Trade Power

City of OutcastsMen that other cities may reject for being "eccentric" or "inhumane" can find refuge behind our fine walls, and positions within our administration.
-10% Advisor Cost

Narkelayla AcademyThe old mage academy of our city, Narkelayla, has joined the ranks of the greatest centers of learning in the Federation, held to such high esteem as to rival the universities of Kovdazar.
+25% Innovativeness Gain
-3% Technology Cost


