Nanru Nakar

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Nanru Nakar

Primary Culture

+20% Fort Defence
-10% Development Cost

City of Aelantir's DesireNanru Nakar was built by the ancient Precursor Elves long before the ruin. Known in myth as the stronghold of both the tyrannical Slaver-Nobility and comparatively benign Imperials, later archaeologists would discover that the old city – Aercel – served as the flying city Tacenie’s main skyport. As the Imperials expanded their presence on the ground, and the Slaver-Nobles wished to display their power to their northern rivals, it was only natural that the point of contact between them would become the most dramatic example of Precursor wealth and power.\n\nEven today, with Nanru Nakar divided and underpopulated, it stands as the largest and greatest elven city. Within the walls, ramshackle shanties and maze-like slums crowd around colossal statues and murals, and the opulent wonders of the Mudaliars compete with the monolithic designs of ages past. Unmatched in size or grandeur, Nanru Nakar is a prize all conquerors desire.
-1% Prestige Decay

The Triple AllianceIn the years following the death of laskaris, the founding brothers of the three major branches of the Mudaliars also passed from this world. As their children took the reins of the great city, many increasingly wondered why, beyond the machinations of Larankar, it still remained divided. None wondered more than Triandar, son of Erranan. In a process beginning in the late 1460s, Triandar would approach his siblings, Pelozhil and Arichanna, weaving backroom talks, shadowy dealings and vague promises into the foundations of something greater – reunification.\n\nThere was no official pact or far-proclaimed declaration, and it would be impossible to place a date for its formation, but by the coming of the Exemplars all in Taychend knew of the new "Triple Alliance". It was a state of contradictions and compromises, the districts independent but inextricably bound together – totally equal, but with the Eldest Brother nominally at the helm and the scavengers under the thumb of Kriadvai. Nonetheless, salvaged from ruin and jury-rigged back together, Nanru Nakar emerged stronger than it ever had been, a city strong enough to survive Exemplar incursions and temporary Ameioni domination – in division, indivisible.
+2 Diplomatic Reputation

Dominance of the Scavenger GuildsAs Nanru Nakar was built by the precursors long ago, many of their relics can be found deep within the half-ruined structures both above and below. People have long come to seek out these ruins, exploring them in search of fragments of the past. These scavengers, as they came to be known, banded together into powerful guilds and monopolized the sale of relics – though they spread throughout Taychend over the years, the guilds of Nanru Nakar were the oldest and most powerful.\n\nWith the rise of Cannorian artificery, Nanru Nakar’s guilds invested great sums in expansive expeditions into the underground, dragging up vast hauls from previously unexplored areas of the undercity. With the Mudaliars, particularly those of Nakar Kilaiek, investing heavily in the guilds, they too reaped the successes of their clients.
+15% Global Trade Power

The UndergroundBelow the surface of Nanru Nakar lies a great undercity, a seemingly endless labyrinth of old warrens, ruined warehouses, and strange facilities. The underground is incredibly dangerous, with deadly wildlife and ever-hostile degenerated elves hidden in its depths – it is not a place people would live willingly. Nonetheless, the upper levels of the Underground are full of the poor, the weak, the sick, the scum of the slums, and worse - those with no choice but to try and brave its terrors.\n\nWhile some rulers would have opted to ignore these people, leaving them to their fate, the generals of Nanru Nakar have always seen their potential. Many of those souls jump at the chance to escape their terrible conditions, even if it means joining the army – and receiving less pay than the average soldier.
-10% Land Maintenance Modifier

Great RenovationsThough the precursors left a great legacy within the city, it is one that unfortunately decayed with time. Many towers and temples within the city bare gaping wounds, and some have collapsed entirely, their exposed shells revealing the shoddy, makeshift slum-housing built within their walls. With this in mind, it has been a long-held ambition of the Mudaliars to restore the great works of their ancestors, and as such they have invested vast sums of money renovating and refurbishing the wonders of the city, so that it may one day reach beyond the heights of the precursor empire.
-10% Construction Cost

Three Kingdoms In OneNanru Nakar was reforged from a thousand different informal agreements and treaties between siblings, without any sort of constitution or formalized system of government. As such, while within Nanru Nakar’s walls the distinctions between each district can be somewhat easily understood, outside the city the boundaries between the Mudaliar branches become blurred, their interests and holdings often overlapping and conflicting with each other. A territory might pay vassalage to one branch of the Mudaliars, or even multiple at the same time, while merchant companies and scavenger guilds hold divided loyalties and ever-shifting paymasters.\n\nTo outsiders, this system is nothing but pure madness – but it is this complexity that gives Nanru Nakar’s realms strength, as the three districts are too interconnected to dare fight openly against each other, and outside powers struggle to grasp – yet alone unwind – the thousand ties that bind the Mudaliars’ vassals in loyalty.\n\nWhen asked by a Cannorian scholar about the nature of Nanru Nakar’s state, a high ranking official named Ervram Kampana said the following: "You misunderstand, Nanru Nakar is not one state. It is in fact three kingdoms in one."
-0.05 Monthly Autonomy Change
+20% Foreign Spy Detection

Eternal MudaliarShortly after the fall of the old elven empire, the Mudaliar family came to rule Nanru Nakar, the famed God-Hero Liandarha freeing the city from the tyrannical regime that had enslaved it. They have never truly lost power since then, even while subjugated under outsider rule, or forced to hide in the underground. Within Nanru Nakar, the influence of the Mudaliars is omnipresent, their influence felt in every neighborhood and guildhall, not to mention the persistent rumors that even the sordid criminal elements of the city are beholden to the whims of Mudaliar paymasters.
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+10 Maximum Absolutism

-10% Morale Damage Received


