Nagon Ideas

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+1 Attrition for Enemies
+20% Sailor Recovery Speed

Born Like FishThere is a widely believed story amongst the Gon people that we were first born from fish eggs (the word "Gon" itself even means egg). While the truthfulness of this legend is often the subject of scorn by outsiders, our people’s affinity for the sea is so great that it makes one wonder whether there is any truth to the claim.
+15% Morale of Navies

Spice TestThe spices that grow in Mariuk may not have the best taste, but they are still widely known for another reason. Through selective cultivation in pursuit of better flavors, we have created some of the strongest spices in the known world. It is said that our strongest strain can bring even an Oni stoic to tears.\n\nBeing around such depths of flavor, we often forget that other peoples are not so tolerant to it. Legend has it, centuries ago, a foreign dignitary visited with whom we were not on the best of terms, and the chefs perhaps used a bit too much spice when preparing his meal. The man was so overwhelmed that under only a little questioning in exchange for some water, he let slip that he was here as a spy. Since then we’ve taken to performing this "spice test" on individuals we find suspicious, with surprisingly effective results.
+20% Foreign Spy Detection

Firing Back At The RaidersWith the rise of piracy in the Ringlet Sea, merchants and fishermen have been forced to adapt to perform their livelihood. The fishermen of Nagon in particular have taken well to the bow, refining their skill to fire from the deck with deadly accuracy. It behooves us to make use of this skill in our navy.
+10% Chance to Capture Enemy Ships
+20% Galley Combat Ability

Friends In The WavesOftentimes, our sailors will find the sea itself on their side. The nymphs and other spirits that live within its depths hold a fondness for our people, and so lend their aid whenever they feel we need it.\n\nShips find the flow of waves always seeming to benefit them, but it is the more overt actions, such as the common story of dolphins or giant fish saving sailors from sinking ships that truly make us feel safe at sea.
+100% Fleet Movement Speed
-20% Morale Hit When Losing a Ship

Sea SpeakersThe Sea Speakers, honored mystics who live their entire adult lives either on or beside the sea, have held a place of great import within Gon society since time immemorial. They alone are responsible for communicating with the spirits of the seas and maintaining our relationship of peace and cooperation.
+10% Mages Loyalty Equilibrium

DefelabasDuring times when fewer pirates roamed the seas and the movement of trade and people was more free, our connections with the peoples of Eastern Sarhal were significant. Perhaps fond of our kind nature or drawn by our particularly potent spices, merchants and migrants would come to Mariuk in droves. A fair few even decided to make their homes here, building the district of Defelabas.\n\nAs trade begins to flow once again through the Ringlet Sea, the people of Defelabas’s connection to Sarhal will give us a significant advantage in mercantile matters.
+10% Global Trade Power
+1 Merchants

Strange ArrivalsAs of late, there have been men in strange black cloaks arriving at our shores, offering us advanced technologies if only we let them preach the word of their "One True God" to the common folk.\n\nNaturally, we turned them away at first. Nothing is free in this world, and the clergy fear what ideas these missionaries seek to impress upon the peasantry. However, they are relentless in their offers and exceptionally well funded; it is becoming harder to see downsides, perhaps we can humor them for a time and learn what we can?
+50% Innovativeness Gain

+1 Yearly Navy Tradition