Nagar Vyechei

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Nagar Vyechei

Primary Culture

-10% Ship Costs
+1 Naval Leader Shock

Warlord RepublicIf our country might be known for anything in the world, it will be for its republicanism. In the brutality of Taychend, it is easy for despots to seize power and rule with tyranny and cruelty. For a time we too, were victims to this trend, but the Kheyeana to our west brought with them a better alternative: a realm that is ruled by its people, not the other way around.\n\nEvery individual of note knows that this republic of ours requires a warlord like the realms around it, if elected, and any individual who fails in this duty might well see us conquered. The repercussions of this are never far from the minds of the higher classes, and so an extraordinary effort is put into making sure anyone eligible for office is also capable of running it well.
+1 Random Candidate Bonus

If There Is a BuyerWhen it comes to trade, a strong moral code is no strength at all. The merchant caught up in what's good and what's moral in this or that realm, or even what is legal, will never make an appreciable profit. To this end, we have been very careful to encourage a lack of hesitation in our merchant classes. What is being sold does not matter, so long as there is a buyer.\n\nAnything can be found in the stalls of Nagar Vyechei, from elixirs made from ground elephant tusks to planters of murderous flowers from the Effelai to pilfered effigies of the Gods, making us a popular location for anyone seeking goods that are outlawed elsewhere. Our buyers have no fear, for we will sell anything they are willing to pay for. This reputation does us many favors with merchants.
+10% Trade Efficiency

Keeping TabsNo-one in all of Taychend would deny that the many coasts and cliffs of Nagar Vyechei have truly beautiful views, sights so great that many are happy to spend large sums of their time there. Many of the warlords in the Taychend feel this way as well, and their presence is one we are not ever going to take for granted. Many are able - and willing - to spend hefty sums of money for the chance to live in the proximity of these coasts.\n\nOf course, what none ever thought to pay for is their privacy. Though our citizens might tend to their every need as paid for, they are also present to listen to every word uttered by these foreign rulers. Many an invasion has been blunted by a warlord saying a little too much in the proximity of their servants, and this is a trend we are proud to continue.
+15% Spy Network Construction

Greenskin ShipmentThough our pleasant little city will sell anything, there are some things which cannot be sold, if only because we do not yet possess them. One day, following a disastrous - and truly unfortunate - night of gambling, a captain from the land of Cannor gave us a sum of green-skinned slaves as repayment for his debts. After one simple combat trial, it was settled that the extraordinary aggression of these greenskins was a benefit to the city.\n\nEver since, we have been very careful to note our interest in purchasing more greenskins, and the extra bodies from these slaves allow us to field larger and fiercer armies than ever before.
+15% National Manpower Modifier

The Nila TenvachWithin the city of Nagar Vyechei there lies the Nila Tenvach, the Blue House. Infamous throughout all of Taychend, the Nila Tenvach is very popular with spellcasters and sorcerers who wish for a truly comprehensive education in the magical arts. Indeed, though we might have some restrictions for law and order's sake, our government holds an agreement with the Blue House to keep a light hand in their affairs, provided they are able to make sure they do not disrupt city life unduly.\n\nThis light approach has done us much good, for the rich results of the Blue House's more unsavory studies are open to us for their continued protection. There are many insights to be found there that, unfortunately, can only be discerned with truly discourteous methods.
-10% Idea Cost

Vaults of Uyas EnretA common saying is that all the riches taken out of the ground go back in, with regards to our little fief of Taychend. Uyas Enret, the once-renowned mine of gold and silver, fell empty many years ago. Even so, we wasted no time in keeping the mine productive, for we quickly repurposed it into a bank. All the riches of Nagar Vyechei, and the wealth of any who are able to afford the privilege, are stored within the vast complexes of Uyas Enret.\n\nIt is said the deepest vaults, so vast that they might never be fully filled even if the city were to last a thousand, thousand years, are guarded by a dragon pleased by the simple accumulation of wealth. No matter how true that is, what is certain is that there is no bank as secure as Uyas Enret.
-0.5 Interest Per Annum
+0.5 Yearly Prestige

A Glass of PheniThe cashew plant, found all over Taychend and the lands beyond, is an exceptionally versatile foodstuff, and is used for much. Not least of which is Pheni, a specialty spirit made within Nagar Vyechei proper. Created by fermenting a prepared barrel of cashew paste, Pheni is very strong and very easy to find.\n\nThis drink is very effective at raising the mood of even the angriest being. Through widespread consumption, one will find that the populace will be far more agreeable to the dictates of the central government.
-1 National Unrest

+15% Ship Trade Power


