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Primary Culture

-10% Land Maintenance Modifier
+1 Land Leader Shock

The King's DueCenturies ago, before the collapse of the old Nadimraj, for every transaction between the various merchants and lords, a small fraction was to be given to the government. By bringing back the King's Due, although not necessarily a popular decision amongst the merchants and nobility, the Nadimraj was able to give itself access to a far larger quantity of funds.
+10% National Tax Modifier

Rahenraj BladesAlthough traditionally independent, for many centuries the kings of the Nadimraj bowed to the Rajas of the Rahenraj. During that time, many of Rahen's most elite troops were pulled from Shamakhad, the veterans of which returned and founded a martial tradition which has lasted to this day.
+5% Discipline

The Most Ancient ThroneAs the first true civilisation to rise in the aftermath of the departure of the precursors, the Nadimraj holds the undisputed title of the oldest nation in Rahen. As such, with their history tracing back millennia, the kings of Nadimraj hold an elevated status amongst the various monarchs of Rahen. Indeed, it seems that almost every noble is able to trace their lineage back to some ancient hero or another.
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

KamayodhiThe Kamayodhi, or Warriors Slaves, refer to the foot-soldiers of Nadimraj that are bought as young slaves and trained with arms their entire life. Famous throughout Rahen for their prowess in combat, the Kamayodhi would be fearsome both with spears, and, later on, with blackpowder, as their traditional line formations, as well as being well-suited for spears, would prove easy to adapt for muskets.
-10% Infantry Cost
+10% Infantry Combat Ability

Great Palace LibrariesSince ancient times, the libraries of the Nadimraj have acted as the greatest repositories of information in Rahen. Although the Great Library of Sharaja was burned by the forces of the Phoenix Empire in 1118, the various other libraries have stood the test of time, and relatively little knowledge was actually lost. After all, how foolish would it be to keep such large amounts of information on flammable material in one place without making backups?
-5% Technology Cost

Greatest Minds of the NorthFrom across Shamakhad, and throughout Rahen, philosophers, mages, and artificers alike flock to our courts. In search of knowledge, luxury, or adventure, the Nadimraj is never truly short of brilliant minds. Of course, with such a wealth of genius, many are willing to work for a slightly lower wage than their compatriots.
-15% Advisor Cost

Rahen's Great ManufactoriesThe Nadimraj launched itself head-first into industrialisation. Dotting the great cities of the north, vast manufacturies were established, churning out never-before seen quantities of glassware, dyes, fabrics, and various other goods, as Nadimraj transformed itself into a great industrial heartland of Rahen, second only to Ghankedhen.
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

-10% Core-Creation Cost


