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Primary Culture

+20% Naval Force Limit Modifier
+10% Trade Efficiency

Ealar the MarinerIn the days following the departure of the Eordan from the Domandrod, the violently frothing seas were feared in superstition as a reminder of the Day of Ashen Skies. The coasts were avoided despite the advice of Fey telling them not to fear the seas, until Ealar the Mariner found the truth.\n\nEalar left the woodland village and built a raft where the rivers meet the sea. Ealar, as if in a trance, rowed himself out onto the sea and found the power of the Summer. No longer a Peitar, Ealar set Summer above all else and reveled in its winds and waves. Ealar returned to his people and showed them the truth in the seas, and where he first set off on his raft Murdkather was built. And then Ealar was never seen again, setting off on a ship to explore lands far away.
-10% Ship Costs

Channelers of Winds and TidesSummer commands great power in the fluids of the world: the mighty ocean waves eroding through stone relentlessly, and the storm gales hoisting dunes and trees far away. The Summer Court of Murdkather channel such powers for their own purposes: removing the threat for the survival of vessels, and summoning them to wreak havoc on the enemy to sink them to their watery graves. It is no wonder that the Murdkatherian navy endures through all storms.
+10% Ship Durability

Hall of Records Past and FutureOn the surface a public library, the Hall of Records Past and Future is hidden behind closed doors to all. Amassing vast hoards of bills of sale, ships manifest, and all records economical, the Archivists also spend their lives poring through ancient tomes, creating a history of the trends of prices and other economic histories. The Hall's records also provide up to date information about the current state of the economy, which are given in reports to the eager ears in the upper chambers.
-10% Diplomatic Technology Cost

Alecandi RelationsFar to the south are the lands of the Kheionai in Alecand, another land of Aelantir rebuilt. Since ages long forgotten the Caamas and the Kheionai have traded, and with the rapid improvement in shipbuilding with the arrival of the Cannorians trade has increased thousandfold. It is said that Ealar the Mariner himself found the Kheionai: we must live up to his example by sailing the seas and discovering new lands!
yes Allows recruitment of explorers & conquistadors
+1 Merchants

Silken DiplomacyIn Murdkather the finest of fabrics, known to the Cannorians as 'silk,' are spun into exquisite gowns and other bewitching products sold overseas for great profit. Our silk is far superior to the rubbish they sew in Tanan, ours being sourced from rare Domandrod contacts who do not mind dealing with a Caamasi. In truth, our silk is minorly enchanted from being sourced in the Domandrod, causing a sense of avarice and a need for the silken product. From across Aelantir merchants will demand our silk, and we always know that Murdkather will have the advantage in the deal.
+10% Global Trade Power

Repository of Economical MiraclesOver the years of its operation, the Hall of Records Past and Future has compiled both a history and theory of economics, sometimes even able to predict how the market will shift in the near future. Of course, these predictions are often false, but our Archivists can make multiple predictions to maximize the chance that one will be correct.\n\nUtilizing these predictions, the Repository of Economical Miracles has been established: vast amounts of preservable trade goods that we believe will be invaluable in case of emergency or as an asset for future ventures can be stored. With our insight into the future, we can never fail to supply whatever is needed!
+1 Diplomatic Free Policies

Prosperity of the Summer SunThe City on the Sarmadfar, the pinnacle of civilization since Ealar the Mariner founded the city, Murdkather shines beside the Summer Sun in bringing prosperity to Eordand. Our products unmatched, our citizens most talented, our culture splendid: there is nowhere greater. All come to Murdkather for trade, for there is no where better to find anything desired at the best price.\n\nHowever, dark clouds threaten the shining beacon of Murdkather. Once holding dominion over the Fograc lands to the south, and even unearthing the mythical ruin of Cadcimn, Murdkather has been forced back to the northern shore of the Sarmadfar after bitter warfare with the Vanbury Guild in the late 18th century.
+20% Trade Steering

+1 Colonists


