Munzeri ideas

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-10% Fire Damage Received
+15% Land Force Limit Modifier

Nirakhet WeepsThe apocryphal story of how the Nzeri Harpies came to follow Nirakhetism dates back to the fall of the Harpy Queendom in Bulwar over 2,000 years ago. As the Nzeri fled across the desert, they were attacked and killed by human and gnoll alike. One injured harpy was found by a lone human living in a hut near Lake Nirakhet. The harpy told the human that she must stay alive, for she was the only one left who could weep for the harpies who perished from her flock.\n\nThe human took the harpy outside, pointed at the Sorrow river as it flowed out from the lake, and told the harpy: “Do you know how this river continues to flow forever? Because every drop in this lake is a tear shed by Nirakhet, mother of Elikhet, for those who have perished. Even if you believe there is nobody left to mourn your death, know that she will always be there for you.”
+2% Missionary Strength

Fly HeavyHarpies can fly long distances, but doing so can expend a lot of energy. Regular hydration is important, but this can be difficult to come across when flying across the Salahad, as the Nzeri Harpies did so long ago. This was made worse by the fact the sparse few watering holes tended to have gnolls lying in wait to ambush them. Perhaps due to this cultural legacy, Nzeri Harpies carry a lot of weight when they travel, both in supplies and armour. They naturally can’t fly as far or as long, but that is a worthy price to pay if it means they are required to scavenge less.
-15% Land Attrition

Menkaunswt’s OfferWhen King Menkaunswt marched his armies into the Mukis Mountains, he presented the Nzeri Harpies with two options: Join my armies, or perish. This was the first time the various harpy flocks of Khetapera were united under the banner of Munzeri - albeit as a vassal of Kheterata.\n\nMenkaunswt had a specific goal in mind when he conscripted the harpies, however. His mages had enjoyed huge success in his previous Akasik campaign, using finely cut magical orbs created by the Delta Gnomes of Koroshesh. However, they struggled more in mountainous terrain, where high ground cover or mountain forts concealed targets and made rangefinding close to impossible. With the harpies of Munzeri acting as spotters for his mages, their effectiveness in rough terrain and in sieges was drastically increased.
+15% Siege Ability

Festival of FeathersNzeri Harpies don’t hunt for mates. Their strategy instead is to visit the villages of humans in peace, and offer the women of the villages gifts in exchange for being allowed to lay with their men. These journeys have become more formalised over time, and have come to be called the Festival of Feathers. A ceremony is held where the harpy and human village leaders exchange emblems of their people to represent their friendship.\n\nIf a Nzeri Harpy finds a man she wants to mate with, she must present either his wife or mother with a hand-crafted gift, usually jewellery or intricate beadwork. Competition is fierce, not just for the best men, but for the women aiming to receive the best gifts. Women spend the weeks before the festival ensuring their man is properly groomed and well-presented to ensure they get the grandest Nzeri treasures of all.
+2 Max Promoted Cultures

Nzeri CraftworksNzeri metal and glass work rivals even that of the dwarves in its intricacy. Ornate patterns usually depicting khetist imagery adorn their clothes, weapons, armour, homes, and indeed most parts of their lives. What makes these patterns even more unique, though, are their colors. Awash with yellows, blues, and greens, the sight of a Nzeri Harpy in all her formal wear can appear almost garish. Even if she wanted to, a Nzeri Harpy would never sneak up on you, for you could both see and hear her from afar.
+10% Production Efficiency

Taneyas HarpiesNot all Nzeri Harpies live in Munzeri. A small percentage live in the Ertikan Starash, the mountain range that separates the lizardfolk homelands of Taneyas from the cursed Shadow Swamp. Harpy biology is incompatible with both lizardfolk and troll, so they will travel north and west to find a mate, often joining the flocks of Munzeri for extra protection. These Taneyas Harpies are an incredibly useful source of information for people looking to learn more about the political happenings of the lizardfolk.
+20% Spy Network Construction

Paladins of KheterataMunzeri soldiers were the holy paladins of Kheterata, at least in the eyes of the humans who fought alongside them. Their armour was brightly coloured and adorned with khetist symbols, with the same level of fine detail their jewellery was famous for. The bright colours were primarily so the archers and mages of Kheterata could see them from a distance and thus follow where the harpies were directing them to shoot, but they also worked as rallying symbols for the soldiers, and often doubled as emblem carriers for their forces. Their intense devotion to Nirakhetism also had an impact on the soldiers. When you’re going into battle fearing for your life, having these great symbols of your faith tell you they would be there to weep for you should you die has a galvanising effect.
+10% Recover Army Morale Speed

-10% Development Cost in Primary Culture