Mukis Ideas

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-10% Idea Cost
-0.03 Monthly War Exhaustion

Long Lasting MukisThough the main tribe claims ancient descent, the kingdom of Mukis is not so old, having become a true kingdom only in the mid-1200s. Yet despite its remarkably rural land and lack of great feats, the kingdom of Mukis quietly prospered, absorbing tribes around it mostly peacefully through fair negotiation and rarely fighting any offensive war, though wars in defence of these new tribes were fairly common. Through this method of diplomacy and ready protection, Mukis’s subject tribes were quite happy to pay their tribute, and few unkind words were spoken of the good king. It was thus that Mukis calmly became the largest Talilibeti kingdom, and remained so for over a century until the recent conflict with Huugeta saw our momentary decline.
+15% National Tax Modifier

The Myth of BaachkisHero of an old Talilibeti myth from the Gumuk, a tribe of old from before the Days of Darkness, Baachkis was a warrior whose family was stolen by trolls. He vowed to Amilak that he would find them and slay their captors and was granted rites declaring him a man already dead, then he passed into the swamp to hunt. It is said he slew trolls by the dozen with methods he learned in dreams and planted their tusks in the marshy earth to taunt their accursed hag mistresses. The end to the tale is disputed, though most agree he was tricked by one of the hags, commonly Hireet Smoketusk who had taken the image of his wife, and killed in some manner indescribably horrid. Nevertheless, we of the zor Baachkis-Hirut claim descent from this hero, and our people use this tale as the source of a martial tradition older than memory. Some fools spread the tale that the child of Baachkis from whom we descend was by the Hag herself, but this is of course preposterous.
+0.5 Yearly Army Tradition

Peace in IsolationWhen people cast their eyes on maps of Mengi, where do their eyes go? To the cities of the Yeteferen and Ofehibi, magnanimous and courteous, with kings adorned in jewels and silks. To the lakes of the Sitewosi, rich in salt and fish or to the gorgeous heights of the Metobesebi, looming righteously over the plain. If they gaze upon the lands of us Talilibeti it is to the borders of the dread swamp, perilous and infested with troll raiders, not to here. In Mukis we are left at peace while the conqueror kings of other nations focus on targets they foolishly determine more important; in Mukis we are left to live, to laugh, to feel the winds on our faces and appreciate that the important struggle is but life itself.
-2 National Unrest

DhagadachThe ‘Shadowplace’ is a rumoured spot in Mukis where shamans with knowledge of the little practised necromantic healing of the Talilibeti gather, to share knowledge and take apprentices. To the outside, this is indeed just a rumour, but it is all true. \n\nIn the deep groves of the jungle there lies a shrouded glen with gnarled and winding old branches, catching the sun’s rays even on the brightest day and keeping the earth endarkened. Here the oral tradition of ‘Dhagadefen’, Shadowhealing, is passed between hushed mouths. Here, knowledge of the magical uses of Ghost’s Breath and of the potency within even the smallest whiff of The Last Wish may be learned, here deep trances to commune with hags are carefully conducted, here even mortal wounds can be laughed away as scratches at a cackling word. A shadow-healer from Dhagadach is commonly a more safe practitioner than others of similar trade, and as such sought after even by less desperate people, despite the unholy nature of their magic. Such a Dhagadach is identifiable, as by tradition both men and women garb themselves in pale grey dresses with more colourful fabric along hems, cuffs, or waistbands, woven into patterns of dancing and feasting skeletal dead.
+10% Manpower Recovery Speed

Dance of the ShadowkingsMukis and Huugeta are both kingdoms with tight control of the knowledge that passes in and out of their borders. Though we regretfully admit that Huugeta’s spies are a talented bunch, we have the advantage of geography to our side. Little sound leaves the thick canopy of Mukis without our agents’ knowledge, save for the murmurs of the wind. It was in challenge to Huugetan covert operations in our country that a silent war began with our unscrupulous mercenary neighbours; this period saw few open skirmishes between our border and was mostly a conflict of ears and eyes. Though our diplomats are talented, they were outmatched by the Tamaniouchu saboteurs, and in a foolish act, our king Kiros II zor Baachkis-Hirut sought the aid of the Dhagadach and the hags, aid which slew the king of Huugeta but saw our nation plunged into a famine during which we were too weak to stave off the responding Huugetan attack in 1429.
+1 Diplomats

Making a ManDark did our future look, as the armies of King Kojo VI marched toward our capital, yet despite this, the people of Mukis were not cowed. Honed by years of scheming, a spy in the service of the recently returned Kiros II, who had claimed the throne and executed his father for the crime of swearing loyalty to hags, proposed a rather strange plan… \n\nGaruma of Furkis was a talented soldier noted to be present at several key battles, as well as a competent spy, having dented the Huugetan operations on many occasions. His body was found by Tamaniouchu agents washed up on the riverbank, carrying orders to the armies of Mukis, orders to assemble for one last stand at a strategic hill close to the capital. Meticulous as the agents were, they carefully confirmed the truth of the soldier’s identity with captured Mukis soldiers and what stray documents the tribes kept, then ordered the quiet consolidation of their armies for the battle. To their surprise their reorganising forces were struck swiftly by the elite remnants of King Kiros’ army, with the King himself leading the charge, the black mark of the Deathsworn adorned upon his brow. Thus through a clever administrative ruse and a well-prepared corpse- courtesy of the Dhagadefen -the advance of Huugeta was halted, a quick peace was signed, and the kingdom of Mukis was saved.
-20% Spy Action Cost Modifier

Making a HeroA strange skill is found among the people of the Talilibeti, a form of biological artificery where flesh and bone are used on the body, similarly to gears or damestear on a machine. This practice appears to have originated in ancient days, related to rituals conducted to invoke the Night Hags of the Yezel Mora, though it has since distanced itself from such rites, likely in an attempt to not rely on the Hags’ malicious aid. This "shadow-growing" produces astounding attributes and is mostly conducted on warriors. Troll-hide is fused onto the skin of warriors to strengthen it with regenerative properties, gorilla limbs are merged into arms to grant them strength to wrestle lions, and eagle eyes wound into the eyes of scouts to grant them vision sharper than iron. However, replacing limbs with those of different creatures can cause rejections; a warrior may, for instance, find their new arm in a constant gruesome effort of detaching itself from the moment it is attached. Corruption is also said to spread from these enhancements, skin is seen to twist and tendons to slacken from its effect - and that is far from the limit of what the stories tell. Thus, few of the warriors live long, most requiring near-constant maintenance that their enchantments do not ooze into rotting decay. The Mengi describe the trolls of the Yezel Mora using similar enhancements, which may explain the source of this dubious practice. \n\nThe tales of a Talilibeti tribe, Mukis, speak of their heroic King Kiros II, said to have mustered an army of warriors enhanced in this manner to defeat his cunning foes in Huugeta. Their songs speak of his soldiers being capable of turning battles almost single-handedly and the king himself being a warrior on par with Baachkis, a hero of their myths and legends.
+5% Artificers Loyalty Equilibrium
+10% Infantry Combat Ability

+5% Discipline