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Primary Culture

+50% Innovativeness Gain
+1 Yearly Prestige

The Fall of IrsmahapThe Tower of Muhaqaar, home to Kheterata’s greatest mages, once held a strong relationship with the ahati of the Irsmahapan savanna, the mages offering their enchanted artifacts in exchange for goods that were prohibitively difficult to just conjure into being. This relationship ended when the gnolls of the Grizaka pack destroyed the southern ahati, conquering the savanna and proclaiming the Empire of Gnollakaz. In the chaos, the surviving Irsmahapan cities of Lake Nirakhet would swear fealty to the Tower, as would most of the surviving ahati, placing the mages in direct control of far more land than ever before yet giving them diplomatic resources they’d rarely had access to prior.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation
-10% Liberty Desire in Subjects

The Tower’s FoundationThe Tower of Muhaqaar stands atop a rich damestear deposit. This magical ore is a gift from Elikhet himself, who brought it down from the heavens and it serves as the centerpiece to the entire magical infrastructure of the Tower and the cities around Lake Nirakhet. Damestear is able to prolong the effects of enchanted artifacts and tools, which directly translates into higher productivity.
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

Irsmahapan WarriorsIrsmahap, although lost to Gnollakaz, has experienced harsh fighting and produced many able warriors who are eager to reclaim their home. The irsmahapan survivors are gathered in Mattapo to prepare for reclamation. In addition the ahati, traditional warrior brotherhoods of Kheterata, of Irsmahap are capable of quickly and efficiently training and commanding mercenaries from all over Tijarikhet and beyond.
-10% Mercenary Maintenance
+5% Mercenary Discipline

Project God KingElikhet, the first Khet and founder of the kingdom of Kheterata, has appeared during the ages under many different names. Elikhet the Renouncer, Elikhet the Wanderer and among others Elikhet the Resurgent. Formerly thought dead, he returned to life after the Day of Ashen Skies to drive out the Damerian Republic from Kheterata. Although he returned to his sarcophagus right after, the precedent was set. The Sages of Muhaqaar thought to provide him with a more fitting vessel, bringing together all their magical might and expertise, so he may rule the entirety of Kheterata again!
-3% All Power Costs
-3% Technology Cost

Edict of the GiftIn the 1739th year of his rule, Elikhet issued the Decree on Magic, officially recognizing those born with the ability to use magic as having received a divine gift from the heavens. This was initially interpreted as a sign of magic prowess indicating a right to rule, with mages being preferred Kings of Kheterata and nobles preferentially marrying into magical lineages, this would prove itself folly during the Damerian occupation when much of the magical elite would begin venerating the Dame, the Cannorian goddess of magic, alongside Elikhet. When Elikhet rose again and drowned the Damerians and their traitor allies, he would personally organize the mages of Kheterata into a new monastic tradition dedicated not to noble scheming but the pursuit of knowledge and arcane power - the Tower of Muhaqaar would be their headquarters.
+10% Mages Loyalty Equilibrium

The MinisterialsThough the Council of Sages rules over Muhaqaar, they leave day-to-day administration to the slave-bureaucracy known as the Ministry of Rule so as to allow the sages to focus on their studies. The ministerials are selected from the most educated of the tower’s slaves, their loyalty ensured through the subtle arts of the Sage of Enchantment before they are offered any power. Much care has been put into retaining their personalities while still ensuring their total loyalty.
-5% Core-Creation Cost
-10% State Maintenance

Outward SagesThe Sages of the Tower, although spending the majority of their time within, are often seen traveling the land, researching various topics and phenomena. On their travels, they typically act as messengers of the Tower to its subjects and foreign powers alike. This allows the Tower to maintain strong diplomatic ties. The fact that for the scholars their diplomatic duties come second to their research is the only downside of this arrangement.
+1 Diplomats

-10% Construction Cost


