Mountainhugger Ideas

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+10% Infantry Combat Ability
+1 Land Leader Manoeuvre

Journey Across the MountainsMountainhugger is part of the group of Exodus goblins who chose to flee from the Orcs via the western route. Despite defeating the human armies, their great citadel of Bal Ouord forced us to find an alternate path to flee. Our brethren who would become the Landshark Clan chose the sea, we chose the mountains. The crossing was treacherous and deadly, killing many of our number through cold, starvation, and the hidden dangers of beasts and treacherous terrain.\n\nWhen we finally got to Bahar, our numbers were severely reduced. Utilizing local human troops made up of local militia and unscrupulous adventurers, we managed to defeat the Dwarves, Humans, and Elves of the region and carve ourselves a new home. By studying the mountain crossing and subsequent battles, we can learn many lessons in how to preserve our forces in adversity and also how to best utilize our diverse troops.
-10% Land Attrition
+3% Mercenary Discipline

Wealth of Our New LandsThe caves we once populated are a far cry when compared to the new lands we now call our home. While the caves were a haven, close to the heart of mother earth, and vast, with plenty of mushrooms to go around for everyone, the surface is a bright and harsh landscape, where one’s eyes are forced to contend with a great and cruel gemstone in the sky, one that kills our main source of food, leaving us to eat strange yellow plants with nearly inedible seeds, and unfamiliar meats covered in cumbersome amounts of hair. There are many of those who want to return, who do not see the potential in these lands, and perhaps they would have returned by now… if it weren’t for their own basal instincts and drive to seek out the crown jewel of our newly conquered lands: gold, a nearly-neverending stream from the mines where mountainside and dryland meet.
+10% National Tax Modifier

Shepherds and SlingsShepherding is near ubiquitous among our lower classes, and so is the use of the sling. Used to fend off dangerous animals from attacking our herds, skill with the sling is highly honored in Mountainhugger society. Villages hold frequent competitions to see who can hit the hardest targets, with the most prestigious competitions drawing spectators and participants from the farthest reaches of our territory. When our soldiers are called to war, they bring marksmanship skills honed by years of practice. Whether fighting with slings or guns, our infantry are capable of deadly accuracy.
+0.15 Infantry Fire

Control the Specie SupplyFor much of its history, Bahari mintage was within the hands of our eternal rivals - the dwarves - in an unholy system that was as dwarven as they came, masking an exploitative system of greed beneath a shiny sheen that has duped a whole continent for centuries. It was intolerable, which is why we goblins deigned to end their exploitation by controlling Bahar’s gold mines, allowing us to effectively replace their monetary tyranny with our own.
-15% Reduce Inflation Cost

Piracy in the DivenhalFor much of goblin history, the concept of a giant body of water was completely alien. Pools and streams existed underground, yes, but to use them the way the people of the surface use the ‘Divenhal’ is almost completely unheard of. And that’s how it would remain, until our kind learned of the untapped riches that came with the plundering of coastal settlements on the Bahari coastline and boats in the middle of voyages, borne of observation and goblin greed. Goblin pirates would be infamous for swarming boats by the dozen - armed with knives in their mouths and trailed by great barges with refashioned pulleys and cranes. Lucky barges would be found empty, with nothing but bodies picked clean of valuables washing ashore, the unfortunate ones would be commandeered and sailed into their original ports, serving as the front for a goblin raid.
+15% Privateer Efficiency

Getting the Best for LessGoblins value ability, not noble upbringing or supposed divine appointment. The best and brightest humans of Bulwar naturally find our lands more attractive for employment because of this, helping our administration employ the best without needing to offer as much as our neighbour states.
-10% Advisor Cost

Plakeank's Rangefinder and Magnifier for the Optimal Aiming of ExplosivesCreated by the artificer Plakeank the Verbose by the time Mountainshugger was absorbed into the Overclan, Plakeank's Rangefinder and Magnifier for the Optimal Aiming of Explosives allows one to aim artillery in the same manner as a rifle, with the device automatically adjusting the barrel position and firing power of the artillery piece to achieve incredible accuracy. When placed in the skilled hands of our soldiers, it will surely make our artillery a terror on the battlefield.
+15% Artillery Damage from Back Row

+15% Fort Defence