Mokatanga Ideas

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+25% Mercenary Manpower
+20% Naval Force Limit Modifier

Legacy of the Northern RebellionWhen the second empire fell, the present lands of Mokatang were part of the kingdom of Binwarji; but not for long. The kings of the Binwarji treated our lands with neglect so our nobles, with the cooperation of the other estates of the region, rebelled against them in what is known as the Northern Rebellion. Eventually the peace treaty was signed and the kingdom of Mokatanga was established, stretching from Cape Pipi Abada to as far east as the sands of Salahad with its capital at Zitan Tomon. From then on, the kingdom was ruled by an elected king while retaining the strong position of the estates
+5% All Estates' Loyalty Equilibrium

Against the oddsAfter the rebellion, the country was depopulated and was unable to provide enough men for the army. The solution was provided by mercenaries, who, both for gold and sometimes for land, constituted the backbone of the army for as long as 40 years after the founding of Mokatanga. Even after the army was created from the local population, mercenaries became an important and integral part of our forces
-15% Mercenary Cost

Glass of ZitanThe city of Zitan Tomon is the main producer of glass in Falangula. Not only do they provide common used glass but they also provide art and have been the main producer of all things glass from the time of the Fangaula empire. From intricately crafted vases to statues of people, the artists know no bounds. It was also probably the cause of many gnollish invasions, tempted by the riches of the city.
+10% Trade Efficiency

Precipice"I see you gathered before me hungry and terrified. Ozyl has marched his horde into our lands. Men of the Mokatanga, you stand at the precipice! Your Nobles have failed you, so now you turn to the Gods' aspects! And yet you do not plead? You do not kneel to dust your heads with ash? Instead you wail, "Why have the ancestors forsaken us??"\n -Part of a speech from Mokatanga priest circa 1444.\n\nAround that year there was a wave of religious fervor in the land of Mokatanga in response to the gnoll invasion, during which hidden temples and religious gatherings sprang up around the land.
+2 Tolerance of the True Faith

Banish the DemonsIn the year 1443, the gnoll horde of Ozyl came for our land and our people and succeeded. They took our country and enslaved us, forced us into labor and traded us, but our chains are now a thing of the past. Now we are a free people and we will take back our land by driving the demon worshipers back to the sands of Salah where they belong.
+10% Morale of Armies

Herald of ChangeThe first city Cannorian merchants met in their journey south was Zitan Tomon, and it became the base for them for the future expeditions south by sea and to east by land. Then led by a vision of wealth from the East, they made the city the first and one of most important bridgeheads between Cannor and Haless, leading to the grand exchange of not only goods but knowledge and people in cities like that
+25% Innovativeness Gain
-3% Technology Cost

Cannorian hullsWhen the Cannorians first arrived in our ports, the first thing we noticed was their ships. Much bigger and sturdier than what we used at that time. As time passed the difference was only more visible. The only correct answer to this was to copy and upgrade their techniques. Finally we were able to hire a bunch of Busilari shipbuilders, to work for us. What we came back with was beyond our hopes.
+10% Heavy Ship Combat Ability

+1 Yearly Navy Tradition