Mocvarey Ideas

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+10% Morale of Armies
+15% Movement Speed

Haze of the BogThe Ynn, with its great divinity, is the lifeblood of the world, but much like blood, its waters can pool and stagnate in areas, like those created by the mighty dams along its length. In Mocvare, the Ynn gathers behind the Great Dam and spreads wide, almost indistinguishable from the swamplands that surround the city.\n\nIn consequence, the surrounding countryside is a mosaic of lakes, reeds, bogs, and reclaimed land kept dry by various waterworks that can easily be destroyed in order to drown incoming enemies.
+1 Attrition for Enemies

Duke Pjodorn the GoodDuke Pjodorn the Good was an awful man, prone to fits of violence, gambling, and the consumption of mind altering substances. He was, in all, a terrible person whose name would’ve been reviled in the history of Mocvare had he not been a genius at statecraft, warfare, and politics.\n\nIt was he who enacted the vast works to reclaim significant stretches of swampland and turn it into arable land, much of which was then turned over to various commoners. He also engaged in significant tax and property reforms which still grant the state strong powers over land management. In the end, his cognomen "The Good" is both a sarcastic jab at his personality and a recognition of the wonders he did for Mocvare.
-10% Development Cost

High Priest in ExileSvemel was once home to a vast complex of religious buildings and authorities. Then the Rzentur and their scaled god came from the hinterlands and the city fell. When the city fell to the Rzentur, many River Priests fled rather than facing death or subservience to the dragon worshippers, including the High Priest of Svemel. Of those who fled, a large number moved to Mocvare due to the presence of the Great Dam of Mocbarja and established formal places of worship along its structure; including a great stone temple complex.\n\nThe High Priest of Svemel, when the core temple complex was completed, officially moved their office there. Numerous scribes, priests, and theologians followed the High Priest’s precedent and have since relocated their offices to the Temple of Mocbarja. This created a powerful centre of religious thought useful for enlightening heathens and the dragon worshipping savages.
+1 Missionaries

PedalosIn the late 1580s Cannorian contact with the Ynn led to an increase of trade with an exchange of ideas; a visiting halfling tinkerer, while muttering something about "Precursor Relics", noticed the hand-crank powered paddle craft used by our fisher-elves. The swamps and fens of Mocvare are shallow and filled with muck and rivergrass, making normal paddles ineffective. This resulted in the development of crude hand powered paddle boats.\n\nThis halfling, whose name was incomprehensible to our scholars, with local assistance, replaced the hand-crank with a chain powered by foot pedals, and attempted to "test" the device against the current of one of the Ynn's canals. Unfortunately, this is when we learned that halflings are physically frail, and a "light current" to us, for them is apparently enough to pull them into the sluices that maintain the waterflow. Thankfully, since they expected to return, their notes were left on shore, and the advancements had some merit and left hands free to fish or, as has grown even more common, allowed people to leisurely travel along the River’s waters - so long as they keep away from the deeper parts!
-2 National Unrest

Mocvare Negative Energy"Massive bogs filled my line of sight and, in the horizon, a single village appeared, lit by faint rays of sun. As I took my next step, I truly felt like I was entering a place like none before. My pursuers didn't dare follow me into the bogs (their horses recoiled in fear) so I proceeded towards the village, careful not to sink. My hopes were dashed when I saw the local inhabitants: they looked at me like I was from another world, and ignored me when I pleaded for shelter. Each villager had a weapon in their home, and wouldn't hesitate to grab it and threaten me. Only the local priest, a Ruinborn named Vardha, was kind enough to offer me a loaf of bread and some shelter. He spoke to me in Dolindhan, and I couldn't understand most of what he said, beyond the fact I was in a realm called "Mocvare", and he was adamant I take a necklace with me and wear it before I departed.\n\nAs I thanked him, I turned around, giving one final look to the village. I felt in my heart that I couldn't blame its people for being wary of me. As the experience in Arganjuzorn had taught me, it was very easy to end up in a life-or-death situation, and I could only imagine how many wars and hardships these villagers must have faced."\n\n-Report on the Ynn River and its People, Adrien síl Terr, Cannorian Explorer, 1557
-0.03 Monthly War Exhaustion

The Bladed Beast of MocvareThe Bladed Beast of Mocvare, known to natives as Malenvijer, is an ancient alligator that has plagued the waters around the city for generations. It is rumoured to have existed in the waters around the city before its founding, but confirmed sightings can only be cited to 1018 AA, when a local nobleman spied a massive alligator with a blade of exquisite craftsmanship plunged into the beast’s skull. The masterfully made hilt and pommel gleamed regardless of weather or time, even as the beast's flesh had grown around it.\n\nMany over the years had tried to hunt the Beast, meeting only failure or death. It would only be learned upon the arrival of the Cannorians - alongside a few bloody close encounters by inquisitive gnomes, that the blade is some variety of Precursor spellblade. While no one is any closer to slaying the Beast and claiming its treasure, its sightings are rare, and those who seek to confront it usually end up dead. This has created an impressive legend with some even saying any who can pry the blade free from its skull earns the right to rule the entire Ynn.
-1% Prestige Decay

Last Stand at the DamThe Clash of Fire and Water
+10% Fort Defence
+15% Garrison Size

-20% Recruitment Time