Mo Hoang Ideas

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+1 Diplomatic Reputation
+2% Missionary Strength

Bonds of FamilyIn the Khom culture, familial bonds are held to be sacred. Those that are willing to give of their own for their families are held in the highest regard. The Phonan people have given us much, making up the bulk of Caoban Dinh’s army during his fight against the Wraith Emperor, and so have more than affirmed their place within our family. The relationship between our peoples has never truly been equal, but we can be something close. We can stand as brothers, older and younger.
+1 Max Promoted Cultures
+1 Tolerance of Heathens

Mixed TacticsThe spear and shield have served the Khom well throughout history, but we must not forget that during the time of the first Baihon Xinh, the Phonan served its armies as masterful outriders. With their outsized prominence in our army it would be a shame to let this talent for riding go to waste. Let us combine our strengths to build an army to rival any Thidinkai has ever seen.
+50% Cavalry Flanking Ability
+10% Infantry Combat Ability

Xan VaungWhen Harimar's host swept across Thidinkai in search of High Temples, they were mostly met with the disappointment of fragments buried in the sand and eroded piles of rubble. That is, until they came upon overgrown remnants in Mo Hoang, which a local Phonan tribe had taken to squatting in. Putting the tribesmen to work clearing vines and shrubbery, Harimar found the beautifully sculpted walls of a High Temple. Unlike any Temple Complex he’d seen before, the walls carried a deep green color, which would lead Khom to give it the name Xan Vaung in the future. Leaving behind a garrison to study it, he left with his host and never returned, but their descendants would enlighten Khom settlers to the High Philosophy and remain there to this day.\n\nToday, the emerald spires of Xan Vaung stand tall above Mo Hoang as a reminder to all the greatness of the High Gods, and that same authority extends to us as their custodian.
-20% Stability Cost Modifier

The Legacy of Borleah "Iron Eye"During the War of the Wraith Emperor, it was a constant struggle to keep the ranks of the army filled with bodies due to the disorganized, semi-tribal nature of Phonani society greatly hampering conscription efforts. When things started to get desperate, a solution arrived in the form of the famous Teplin mercenary captain Borleah "Iron Eye." Well spoken and ambitious, Borleah sought to earn himself a place within our new state. He offered us a mastery of logistics, as well as the charisma and personal connections necessary to bring together mercenary bands at the cheapest price.\n\nBorleah got what he wanted and lived a life of luxury for his service, but his methods for negotiation and the connections he held persist, meaning we never struggle to find cheap bodies to supplement our army.
-20% Mercenary Cost

Reform the Laws of Filial PietyThere is a lesson to be learned from the Wraith Emperor’s actions. It gives a stark example of the unreasonable expectations and abuses that go unnoticed and unpunished due to our cultural and legal expectations of duty to family. As the patriarch of the Caoban family, Sang saw his word as law regarding his sons, expecting them to perform whatever he demanded of them exactly as he demanded it. He would work his sons like animals, berating them all the while. So, when he came to find out that they had gone against his wishes and planned to partition the empire after his death, he felt (and maybe was) justified to order their execution.\n\nWe will reform these laws and customs. It is unreasonable for us to continue to expect children to dutifully serve parents who are abusive or neglectful, and never again shall a father hold power of life and death over his child.
-0.1 Yearly Corruption

Righteous PhilosophersExisting in relative isolation from the greater community, the High Philosophy followers in Mo Hoang had the freedom to develop their philosophy in unique ways. Breaking with tradition, the philosophers of Mo Hoang recruited a group of Xianjie monks to join them in their study of Xan Vaung. The monks argued well that a particular mural held a far more martial connotation than previously believed. The philosophers took this revelation to heart, believing that the methods of chi cultivation the monks practiced gave new insight into the High Gods, and begged to be taught how to perform it. The monks relented, and a new tradition was born.\n\nThis new class came to be known as the Righteous Philosophers, adherents of the High Philosophy but trained in the Righteous Path. While lacking in their formal scholarly education compared to their colleagues, the Righteous Philosophers bring to any debate a unique perspective tempered by rigorous physical and spiritual training.
+0.25 Yearly Army Tradition
+1 Tolerance of the True Faith

The Order of BanishmentA myriad of spirits and elementals populate Halann. Many range in temperament from docile to helpful, but there are a fair few that lurk in the shadows and creep through the night to wreak havoc.\n\nOne example of the latter type was the Wraith Emperor, a being born of pure rage that nearly tore Thidinkai apart in pursuit of immortality. Even after losing its empire, the spirit raged on, tormenting the people of Tuan Caoban in their dreams and sending familiars to abduct innocents from the streets for use in nefarious rituals. It took the efforts of the new emperor and a host of spirit hunters to finally put an end to it.\n\nChanged by the events he experienced within that palace, the emperor worked with what lucky few survived the ordeal to establish the Order of Banishment, a governmental body that would train and deploy spirit hunters to put down any spirit that threatened the status quo. As a result of their work, the people feel safer, and stability rules.
+10% Adventurers Loyalty Equilibrium
-2 National Unrest

+1 Administrative Free Policies