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Primary Culture

+20% Galley Combat Ability
+10% Manpower Recovery Speed

Singers of the TarabiThe singers of the Tarabi were considered the finest Mihipha, the Vyzemby equivalent to a Jeli or Bard. Most of which are able to trace their training and skills to the "First College" in the capital of Lorankodro. Frequented by musicians and great thinkers in equal measure, the College became renowned for preserving the culture and history of the Vyzemby peoples, and encouraging spirited debates about the meaning, origins, and sacred purpose of the ancient songs.
-8% Idea Cost
+25% Innovativeness Gain

Sakondry DelightsProud and resourceful cooks, the halflings of the Mihitarab specialized in the farming, harvest, and cooking of the insects that inhabit the Mboala Jungle. With great nutritional value and a multitude of culinary uses, the rice and insect dishes of the region were a common staple of the Mihitarab diet. Particularly beloved were dishes made of the Sakondry beetle, a small, long snouted insect prized for both its taste and ease of cultivation. Top Mihitarab chefs sported long, cylindrical hats with ear flaps in the shape of the Sakondry snout and face.
+10% Production Efficiency

Stir Singing"Gathering around the implements of cooking, the peoples of the Mihitarab would sing in tune with their chefs. I was dazzled as the chefs would slice, chop, and fry their various delicacies in front of the chanting audience - plucking a Sakondry out of the air and frying it alive, only to garnish it and serve it to the most enthusiastic observer. It became clear that this was far more than spectacle - as the practice was also the place of many important decisions and business arrangements, like the taverns and feasts of home." - Beepecker Traveler Bogart Waxcombe, who would visit the Kingdom after first contact.
+2 Diplomatic Reputation

Tarabi Water DogThe peoples of the Mboala jungle were renowned for their expertise in dog breeding and handling, and the Mihitarab were no exception. Their most famous breed was the "Tarabi Water Dog," a medium-sized dog with curly hair and webbed feet, the breed was particularly adept at aquatic uses. Prized most by fishermen and sailors, few of the Mihitarab could be found offshore without one as a companion. Any such vessel without a Tarabi Water Dog was said to be inviting bad luck.
+1 Yearly Navy Tradition

Distant relativesAn army marches on its stomach. It is an adage known and respected by generals around Halann. However, for the Mihitarab, it adage to live by. Within the Mihitarab army, quartermasters and cooks are uniquely organized separately from the rest of the soldiery, forming their own elite units. Training is not only more demanding but also holds an unorthodox graduation requirement. To become a member of the Culinary Forces, potential culinary combatants must leave the borders of the Mihitarab to learn how others practice the art of feeding soldiers.\n\nHistorically, these travels involved the recruits journeying across Vyzemby, exchanging recipes and ingredients with every tribe on the island. By the late 16th century, however, would-be Mihitarab combat cooks could be found in Beepeck, the Trollsbay, and beyond. Regardless of where they ended up, returning halflings would find themselves not only seasoned but also brimming with new perspectives on both cooking and warfare across Halann.
-10% Military Technology Cost

Voyage of Azaly FarscribeContact with the Cannorian halflings led to a surge in demand for all things Cannorian, as the delicacies, customs, songs, and technology of the smallfolk of Cannor became the source of great curiosity and excitement across the Summer Isles. The single greatest source of knowledge would be the writings of Azaly Farscribe, a seafarer and scholar trained at the First College who would chronicle his journey to Cannor in print and song. These tales would become the first comprehensive set of writings and songs about the Cannorian smallfolk from the Vyzemby perspective, and would greatly influence the development of relations between the two peoples. \n\nIt was during this journey to the Small Country he would find himself in the midst of the Small Country revolt, where he chose to fight with his distant kin rather than flee. He would fight the war until its ending, proving himself a hero to halflings the world over.
+5% Adventurers Loyalty Equilibrium
+15% Improve Relations

MoraingyA martial art native to the Summer Isles, Moraingy is a weaponless, bare-fisted fighting style popular among the Mihitarab. The typical pre-feast accompaniment to a stir-singing, Mihitarib villages would select their finest fighters for sparring and competition against their neighbors, with the victors claiming the plumpest insects and best position at the stir-singing tables as their prize. These sparring contests would see spectators chant and cheer for their favorite fighters, the best of whom would be recruited for military use during times of war. In combat, Moraingy fighters were adept at hand to hand combat and would coordinate with their fellow Moraingy fighters to bring down opponents of greater size, grappling and disabling their combatants so their compatriots could deal the final blow.
-25% Regiment Drill Loss
+25% Army Drill Gain Modifier


