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Primary Culture

+1 Colonists
+1 Military Possible Policies

Explosive ExpansionismSpeaking to the true goblin mentality, the city of Mestikardu has never been concerned with troubles for others, sustainable practices, or safety. Thus their expansion into the jungles of Haraf was done very rapidly.\n\nPortions of forest were burned down to clear land, and when the trees were manually cut, they were cut to get absolutely every resource out of them. Mines were created with explosives rather than careful tunnelling, with nomadic harafic ruinborn being driven away by bombs and artificer inventions. With this, Mestikardu was able to expand quickly through Haraf, far faster than any of their rivals.
+15 Global Settler Increase

Journey From the Frozen SeaWhen a large exodus of goblins occurred due to forced expulsions in Escann, the goblin-friendly city of Bayvic was a popular destination for refugees. This made them prime targets for wealthy goblin magnates and artificers, who, while from Bayvic and backed by its Sizapzarko Bank, had no intent in sending them to the city for refuge.\n\nInstead they persuaded their lesser brethren that a life in Aelantir, where a goblin's destiny was in their own hands, was the true refuge. With no knowledge of ship-building and no time to learn, the colonists set about making a crude makeshift navy. As they sailed from the Frozen Sea to Haraf in a fleet of barely sea-worthy vessels, they learned self-sufficiency, and that as helpful as others are, you can only rely on what you have around you.
+20% Trade Range
-10% Transport Cost

Town FamiliesThe goblins who founded Mestikardu or "clan town" were those born and bred on the surface, who unlike their cousins in the Serpentspine were forced together by the ostracism of their neighbours. In their communities they found a sense of kinship and familial bonds where their subterranean cousins found competition for survival.\n\nAs such, family connections mattered more in surface goblin society, with goblin parents actually living together and raising their children, maintaining connections with their albeit very large family. For Mestikardu, this resulted several very powerful families holding power in the city, and together they formed an agreement to put the stability of the city, and their families, above all.
-10% Stability Cost Modifier

Sizapzarko BankThe Sizapzarko Bank, a goblin bank originating in Bayvic, was the primary funder of the expedition to found Mestikardu, along with the artificers that comprised the leadership of the expedition. Once Mestikardu was established, the bank moved its primary offices from Bayvic to the young city, getting into the business of funding other Aelantiri expeditions.\n\nTheir competition, the dwarven Asra Bank, had standards and preferred to fund expeditions that they thought would likely succeed. Sizapzarko, on the other hand, would lend to anybody, particularly those with a shortsighted desire to get rich from adventuring. Either they succeeded and the incredibly high rates meant Sizapzarko made a huge profit, or they failed and became perilously indebted. This allowed them to show support for the city they helped found with much more lenient rates.
+10% National Tax Modifier

Harafic Half-GoblinsGoblins are able to sire offspring with humans, elves and subsequently the ruinborn, in turn creating the half-goblins, also known as voltoj. Born from the city goblins mingling with other races in the large cities of Halann, they were commonly seen as an oddity.\n\nThis was no different in Mestikardu, where many goblin families had intermingled with the Harafic ruinborn to the north, bringing the two races together diplomatically. Lithe and dextrous, with the strength afforded to the rough life in the jungle, these ruinborn voltoj found a place amongst the elite guards of the city, and with their ability to traverse the jungles thanks to their to their height, they eventually found themselves as the principal commanders of the Kardun armies.
+1 Land Leader Manoeuvre
+1 Land Leader Shock

A Goblin City, True and ProudThroughout the history of goblinkind, we have always had to live in the shadows of those stronger than us, those who came before - from the caves of the Serpentspine where our ancestors lived in the shadow of orcish boot and dwarven legacy, to the human-turned-goblin-majority city of Bayvic.\n\n Mestikardu is a place where we can truly create a civilization for ourselves without the outside influence of others, nor atop the foundations of those who came before us. Where before we were the downtrodden minority, it’s the other races that have moved into our great new nation looking for a new opportunity - which we will not deny.
+1 Yearly Prestige

Goblin ArtificeryThough the goblins were fascinated by the technology of explosives from the races such as the dwarves and gnomes, they were unable to recreate it. Once they did, however, bombs almost immediately became the primary focus of their artificery. It became almost an obsession, a drive to create more effective explosives even if the artificers hurt themselves in the process. It is said that the Northeastern district of Mestikardu is especially troublesome, creating such constant explosions that normal habitation there is impossible without strongly soundproof walls.
+15% Land Fire Damage

-10% Advisor Cost


