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Primary Culture

-10% Construction Cost
+10% Morale of Armies

Zenidir's LegacyThe Legacy of Zenidir the Shadowslayer is a great one. Over the course of over 500 years, Zenidir’s rule saw the spread of the Yeteferen language across Madriamilak, which eventually evolved into the modern Mengi language. Their actions sought to uplift the nomadic tribes of what would become Madriamilak, directing the construction of over a hundred cities and settlements over his reign. Uplifting thousands to a better, more civilized life, Zenidir helped codify the laws of the land and bring peace to a realm savaged by the dark forces of Yezel Mora. With Melakmengi reborn, we will do the same as they did, and seek to better the lives of all of Amilak’s subjects.
-5 Years of Separatism

The Semayebaka SocietyThe importance of magic users cannot be understated. Magic among the Mengi themselves is primarily divided into two districts of authority, the Tanikweya and the Semayebaka. The forces associated with the wind, skies, and waters are entrusted to the Semayebaka, the Cloud-mages and Rain-priests. In modern Melakmengi, they are quite influential as they are the primary deliverers of rites, and rituals that see crops irrigated and the land kept clean. Through the institution of the Semayebaka Society, a recently-founded conclave of high ranking Semayebaka that works closely with the state, the various magical clergy of Melakmengi can be directed to serve the interests of the state more effectively.
+10% Mages Loyalty Equilibrium

An End To The Trollish MenaceFor thousands of years we have fought an unending war against the armies of Yrilak. Periodically they march out from the Yezel Mora and desolate our lands. Their devilish features, unmatched stature, incredible regeneration abilities and harsh homeland make the trolls an undefeatable enemy. With time we developed techniques to destroy the troll, yet we were still left at a fundamental disadvantage. For as long as a single troll still stands, Madriamilak is not safe.\n\nHowever in the 16th century, the cannon appeared in our ports, brought in by Raheni and Cannorian merchants. We readily adopted the weaponry and made it our own, producing our own variants and designs, many of which found use against the trolls of the Yezel Mora. Artillery finally gave us the advantage against our hated enemies, and as such it will always carry a central role in Mengi tactics and strategy.
+15% Artillery Combat Ability

God Of The Skies"Amilak has sent a portent to me this morn from the heavens, of a flock of five birds - the Hill Sparrow, the Cliff Falcon, the Golden Eagle, the River Thrush, and the Ofehibi Crane. Each in unison flew across the sky until they landed upon a dead tree, where other birds - the Savannah Swallow of the northern lands, the Blue Coua of the Dakinshi and a hundred more of lands further beyond who perched upon the lower branches. All bowed in reverence to the great eagle that arrived last, a great beast who sat upon the highest perch with pure white wings. The message was clear. Amilak had begun his war to unite the God-Kin, and we must do the same upon this world."\n\n- High Priest Yenetoti, 1737, Declaration of Unity\n
+15% Manpower in True Faith provinces
+1 Missionaries

Order Of RainsThe Order of Rains is a conclave and section of the Semayebaka Society that is invested with the holy duties of summoning rain and moderating dangerous storms. Local Mezhi and freeholders work closely with representatives from the Order to ensure farm fields regularly receive rain, with timetables scheduled months in advance. In some regions this is further streamlined as peace and unity over Madriamilak allows wider access to an education system that produces masses of rain priests. The inevitable result is increasingly large crop yields, allowing even the poorest Mengi to be fed regularly by a steady subsidy of grain procured by the state.
-15% Development Cost

A New Administration For A New EmpireThe first Melakmengi Empire was an absolute monarchy, the Mezhi`Mezhi Zenidir Zentirizar wielding absolute authority. Yet in practice it governed like a confederation, governors being assigned to the 10 regions of the empire, who ruled like kings in Zenidir’s stead. Later Mengi historians and statesmen came to criticize this style of rule as uniquely unstable, only held together by the force of will of a dragon.\n\nWhen the second Melakmengi Empire formed, its rulers chose to not emulate Zenidir’s style of rule, and instead invited scholars and administrators from Rahen and Yanshen, seeking to build an efficient bureaucratic government and a centralized empire. With this new army of administrators, successive Mezhi`Mezhi chipped away at and ultimately destroyed the feudal power structures that stubbornly refused to die, in an era that made the lesser-lords increasingly irrelevant.
+15% Governing Capacity Modifier

The Nagide MonopolyFor millennia foreign merchants have come to Madriamilak, bringing with them new ideas and wealth. However, these foreigners grew in power and influence along the coastline, a parasitic relationship that eventually destroyed the coastal Ofehibi kingdoms in the 15th century. In the 16th and 17th centuries, Cannorian traders started to appear along the eastern coast, bringing new technologies, but also destabilizing ideas that went against Amilak’s truth.\n\nThe 2nd Melakmengi Empire took a very different approach to the kingdoms that preceded it. In 1758, the Mezhi’Mezhi decreed the creation of what became known as "The Nagide Monopoly", a system of monopolies and free trade zones in Dakmender and Yetmesira into which foreigners could enter to do business, while being prohibited from venturing deeper into Madriamilak, by force if necessary. Domestic merchant companies needed a license from the state to trade with foreign merchants, with the state taking a comfortable percentage of the profits.
+10% Trade Efficiency


