Mazanosy Ideas

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-10% Ship Costs
+10% Global Trade Power

Clove OilOur people have found a new way to use the clove tree. Distilling the dried flower buds instead of turning them into a seasoning powder creates a clove oil which is said to contain a number of health benefits; some people have also started to turn the oil into a perfume. Needless to say the cloves business is booming and visitors are coming to our island by the dozens.
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

Coastal WarfareOur island is home both to us, and to the precious clove tree, which grows in abundance here. This has given us a special reputation amongst Fahvanosy: Many outside rulers argue with one another regarding a potential annexation of our home, however our rulers are not blind to their conniving and have decided to act before an attack, conscripting many young men into military service, tasked with defending our shores and seas.
+10% Marines Force Limit

Thoughtful Gift GiversWith our island's weaker position compared to many of our neighbours, we have not always been able to rely on the might of our warriors. In those cases the right gift with the right words have often been able to turn such situations around.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

Control the Seatrade from the EastSurrounding our main island and all across Fahvanosy, there are many islands too small for large settlements. If we were to establish permanent outposts in these islands however, we could direct traders towards our ports rather than our competition, granting us a considerable boon!.
+20% Trade Steering

The Cloves Must FlowPast events have shown us that we are not invincible in the high seas. Our people are now well aware of this and all of them have become filled with enthusiasm to defend our home and dominate over our foes. A hard task stands before our men, but they know that if they were to falter in the defence of our island many would suffer enemy blockades back at home.
+10% Morale of Navies

Tradehub for all MazavaOur port has become one of the busiest in Fahvanosy, drawing in large crowds from across the seas. More recently the expansion of the trade network in Tsamanosy following the rise of the merchant estate has led to a massive increase of wealth flowing into our ports - truly a great success. And as it turns out, it had also benefited our trade partners in Tsamanosy, leading to both islands enjoying the prosperity brought on from the trade.
-20% Center of Trade Upgrade Cost
+10% Trade Efficiency

Exploiting Limited SpaceWe have limited amounts of space to work with when it comes to housing, with much of our island being either occupied by plantations or being too hilly to build large settlements. We must therefore efficiently exploit what slivers of land we have along the coast.
-10% Construction Cost

+1 Merchants