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Primary Culture

+15% Land Force Limit Modifier
-0.1 Yearly Corruption

Pechuketema PactIn 1368, the lord of Simegasfan marched upon Mewojala, sacking the city and annexing its lands. He then headed inland, raiding the hinterlands of the 4 cities. He then returned to his capital, vowing to come back next year and sack even more.\n\nThis brief period of time was just enough for the rulers of the 4 cities to come together, forming an at-first temporary alliance. For years, the Simegasans would invade, the cities would mobilize their armies, and the Simegasans would retreat with their loot.\n\nThis changed in 1384, when a new king ascended in Simegasa. He chose to finally conquer Manta. He gathered his great army and marched upon the city. The warriors of Manta chose to hide behind their walls and wait for the alliance. And the armies of the alliance came, and engaged Simegasa’s forces at the battle of Manta, where an unexpected attack by Manta’s warriors in the rear proved decisive. The besiegers were forced to flee, a great victory dealt to the Simegasan aggressors.\n\nIn the aftermath of the battle, the kings of the cities decided to forge the alliance in blood and ink, creating the Pechuketema Pact.
+1 Diplomats

The Hegemonic CityThe Matamoti have always taken on an influential role among the inland Ofehibi cities, seeking to imitate the heroism of their legendary founder Akau. Using their diplomatic skills and charisma, the king of Matamot and his diplomats were influential in the establishment of the Pechuketema Pact. Throughout the alliance’s existence, Matamot would maintain its leading role, helping to bridge the gap between its members.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation
+10% Improve Relations

Akau's AdventureAkau was born a peasant farmer. He had a very humble childhood, and were it not for his swordmaster of a grandfather, he would have remained in his place in life. The grandfather, named Melas, saw potential in the boy, and so taught young Akau in the ways of the sword.\n\nOne day, the local king coveted Akau’s mother, Amina, and sought to seize her by force. Akau, a mere 16 years old at the time, protected his mother, cutting off the king’s right hand in the process. It would not be long before the lesser king returned with a small army, intending to burn the village to the ground and kill Akau. And while the king did succeed in destroying the village, Amina was burnt alive, with Akau only escaping due to the self-sacrifice of Melas, who fought off the king's army by himself.\n\nAkau would live his life from then-on as a sellsword and adventurer, slaying many beasts and foes alike, building up his strength and connections. At the age of 36, he returned to his ruined home with an army of followers. He retook his village, avenged his mother and grandfather by killing the greedy king, and rebuilt the settlement, renaming it to Matamot "Mother’s Death".\n\nWhile Matamot has grown into a proper city since that time, all Matamoti children are taught this tale. Every warrior seeks to replicate Akau’s strength, and show no fear in battle.
+10% Morale of Armies

The Beginning Of The Chain RoadThe gnollish savages from beyond regularly bring great slave caravans to our city, filling our markets. Our merchants then buy these slaves and stuff them in carts, to be sent to the prosperous ones upon the Chain Road. The Chain Road starts in Matamot, and ends in Yetmetsira. Named for the massive number of slave carts that use the road yearly, it is a vital piece of infrastructure for Matamot, although the road is also useful for normal trade too.
+10% Provincial Trade Power Modifier

Cow LeapingThe cow is venerated greatly in Matamot, with many celebrations that honor Amilak involving the animal in some form. The most important of these is the Day Of The Cow, the 5th day of every month, on which "Cow Leaping" is performed.\n\nTrained men enter a large oval-shaped arena, with an angry cow inside. The cow charges, with the men leaping over the bull to the cheer of the crowd being heard from afar. The celebrations are widely attended by all in Matamot, including the king himself, with the performers becoming local celebrities in their own right.
-1% Prestige Decay

The Master Plan"While the establishment of the Pechuketema pact was pitched by Matamoti diplomats as a common defense alliance, the truth was far less high-minded, for Matamot had ambitions of its own. Matamot slowly centralized and subverted the member cities of the alliance from the ground up. Matamoti agents could be found at every level of the member states, helping to control them without sparking alarm. As the pact became ever more centralized, the governments of the other cities were greatly weakened, serving as mere puppets of the king of Matamot. In 1533, a great ceremony was held, in which the lord of Matamot was proclaimed the first king of the Pechuketema kingdom, the leaders of the other cities having been killed off the night before…"\n\n-An excerpt from the book "The Master Plan Of Matamot", by Desta Alemayehu, 1862"
+20% Spy Network Construction

A Combined ArmyWhen the Pechuketema Pact united into the Pechuketema Kingdom in the 1530s, the king sought to centralize the armies of the former member states. His military advisors were given free reign to craft a new, modernized army, ready to take on the new threats the kingdom faced. The tactics of all Pechuketema cities would be incorporated into this new army, which focused on an all-volunteer professional military. The Combined Army of Pechuketema was far ahead of its time compared to contemporary conscript-based Mengi armies, and was an example which the later Melakmengi army would emulate.
+0% Yearly Army Professionalism

-10% Advisor Cost


