Masked Butcher

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Masked Butcher

Primary Culture

+10% Infantry Combat Ability
-15% Land Attrition

Bogeyman of the SerpentreachA monster is said to haunt the dark caverns and crumbling halls of the Serpentreach: the Masked Butcher. It has been described as an orc who wears a mask made from the flesh of his victims and paints its skin with their blood. To some, it is but a myth that personifies the horrors of the Dwarovar, but it is all too real to us...\n\nBecause we are the Masked Butcher. It is not one beast that hunts these halls but our entire people. There is no limit to what counts as our prey, and in times of war, these eerie tales and our clan's hunting tradition translate well into guerrilla tactics and strike fear into any armies that dare enter our land.
+1 Attrition for Enemies

Trophy HuntsWhen a young orc of the clan reaches maturity, they must face a rite of passage: they are sent off on a hunt, only returning when they have proven themselves. A young orc may go weeks before returning home, returning loaded down with slaughtered prey.\n\nThe kills will be stripped of loot and body parts to act as trophies but the greatest of the kills will have its flesh removed and turned into a mask for the newly matured orc. This mask signifies the beginning of an orc's life as a hunter and is worn as a mark of prestige and rank in the clan's hierarchy.
+0.5 Yearly Devotion
+0.5 Yearly Horde Unity
+0.5 Yearly Legitimacy
+50% Prestige from Land battles
+0.15 Yearly Republican Tradition

Empty Halls, Empty ThroneFor ages, our clan was small and our deeds were merely chalked up as a monster in myth. That was until most orcs began leaving the Serpentreach in droves for the Western Dwarovar. One of our most powerful neighbors left behind its throne and a magnificent altar lit up by natural light from above.\n\nNo sign could be clearer that we, the orcs who stayed behind, were destined to rule the Serpentreach. Now, many years have passed since we claimed this throne and we have grown far beyond the small clan we once were. Our population continues to boom and with all the open space and little to no competition, our expansion outward sees no end in sight.
+20 Global Settler Increase

Yash-VultogA term that roughly translates to "The Count", our clan values what you have killed and the quality of that kill as that is what truly shows strength. On the battlefield, our orcs are savage as all seek to raise their rank in the clan by killing more and slaying the greatest foe. Even better if an orc can take them alive, as a sacrifice in front of all to see makes it undisputed that you killed them.\n\nIn every battle, the best rises above the rest. In every battle, the rest try to rise above the best. This way of life makes it to where our troops are always inspired to improve and learn from every fight to do better in the next while our generals are always made up of the greatest among them.
+100% Army Tradition From Battles

Where The Blood Moon ShinesAll could see me standing in the dim light with my hand placed over the chest of my captive who lay flat on the altar, and yet I couldn’t see anything beyond but the surrounding pitch black and a few stars just barely peeking through from above. Silence, even from those who wished not to be, filled this cavern to the brim. Nothing had ever tested my patience before more than this uneasy excitement for a passing light to say go. The skylight began to shift to a deep red and the moment the Moon slightly emerged I struck with unparalleled strength and tore out the heart of my captive and held it up high towards the light. Two types of screams followed: cheers and cries. As the red moonlight began to pour into the cavern banishing that pitch black darkness, I finally could see the hundreds of orcs in wait rushing forward dragging their captives with them toward the altar. It only lasted about an hour but more blood was split in that time than any night before it. Throughout the celebration, I could only think about the nights that have yet to come.\n\n-Chieftain Vrirrig Beardbutcher's account of the first accurately predicted blood moon.
+1 Yearly Prestige

Temple of CrimsonThe throne and altar are the center of our clan. Thousands live nearby while thousands more flock in to make sacrifices there. Unfortunately, the cave the throne and altar lie in was never meant to support such a vast population and influx of travelers.\n\nTo amend this overcrowding, we will undertake a massive excavation and redesign of this cavern. We shall build a central structure that reaches up higher towards the light, with the altar at the very top alongside the Chief's expanded throne room. Around this structure, we shall carve roads and lesser dwellings, to smooth travel and create efficient residences. What started as no more than a bloodied altar will become the beating heart of these mountains.
-10% Development Cost

Bala-karvashWe are Bala-karvash, "Apex Predators". We are hunters in search of the deadliest game. The very top of the food chain. The bravest warriors quickly learn that bravado will not save them from our diligence. The toughest soldiers quickly learn that strength will not save them from our physical superiority. The mightiest beasts quickly learn that instinct will not save them from our tactics.\n\nAll quickly learn that they are the ones being hunted. Whether in the bushes or out on the open battlefield, we hold out and wait for the perfect opportunity then pounce when the moment is right.
-10% Morale Damage Received

-5 Years of Separatism


