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Primary Culture

+75% Cavalry Flanking Ability
+15 Global Settler Increase

Griffon Riders of CannorMarrhold is the only human nation in Cannor to have successfully been able to tame the wild griffons of the Serpentspine Mountains, a tradition starting from the first prince of Marrhold, Ulric 'Griffonson'. While king Marr believed griffons to be just another pest, Ulric believed that these griffons were essential to protect the nation from another dragon's wrath. He was the first human to train a griffon, and down the line he created the first elite division of griffon cavalry.\n\nIn more recent times, Griffon riders are made up of Marrhold nobles and commonborn knights who had proven their worthiness of riding a griffon with an exceptional act of valor in the battlefield. This envious position is something all regular soldiers in the army strive for and hope to one day achieve.\n
+20% Cavalry Combat Ability

Alenic AncestryDuring the Dragonwake the Marrodic tribe, along with the Wexonards, Crodamic, and Damerian allies, defended Bal Hyl from Gawedi invaders, and afterwards were invited to settle within the empire. The Marrodic king Marr declined, and traveled east through the Korbarid kingdom to get into Castanor, which had been recently ruined from dragon attacks. When the Korbarid king questioned why the tribe would go east to a dangerous land, Marr declared "Fear not, for lightning does not strike twice!"\n\nThis phrase perfectly symbolized Marrodic's Alenic roots of a hardy and rough people, and even when they settled in a new land the people held on to their original culture.
+10% Recover Army Morale Speed
-0.01 Monthly War Exhaustion

The Icon of MarrholdThe dwarven fortress was abandoned long before the Marrodic people settled it, isolated from the rest of the Serpentspine due to a tunnel collapse. The Marrodic people rebuilt the fort in 492, and modified it to become a proper capital that could be defended from any enemies below. This fortress is a source of pride for the people of Marrhold, and is seen as the start of their new nation.
-15% Fort Maintenance

Death Ring of MarrvaleEvery Marrodic local knows of all the secret paths and shortcuts throughout their land, and the army regularly uses these to quickly flank an unsuspecting enemy nation.\n\nThe most important battle where these routes were utilized occurred when a witch-king of the Blademarches marched his forces to Marrhold to try and conquer the nation. The Marrhold militia was able to cross through secret tunnels while the capital was being sieged, and by morning the Blademarcher king found himself cut off from his supply line and surrounded on both sides. The subsequent surrender of the Blademarches shocked all of Cannor, and Marrhold gained immense prestige as a nation 'nigh impossible to siege'. Historians later dubbed this the 'Death Ring of Marrvale', with the tunnel formations that the troops used having a ring-like shape around the city of Marrvale.\n
+1 Land Leader Manoeuvre

Curbing the Tyrants of the SerpentspineBy 1650 trade from dwarves to humans was fully controlled by an alliance between the two biggest dwarven kingdoms in the northern Serpentspine, Amldihr and Er Natvir. Smaller dwarven holds and adventurer kingdoms had to pay hefty taxes in order to trade goods with each other. In the 17th century, however, the grand reopening of the Marrhold tunnel changed and boosted trade between dwarves and humans. Suddenly many Serpentspine dwarves found an alternative path for exporting and importing goods. Marrhold became a powerful trading hub whose markets were filled with all sorts of dwarven and humans goods, a reward for ending Amldihr and Er Natvir supremacy.
+15% Trade Efficiency

Royal Griffon RacesEvery year, thousands of people across Cannor flock to Griffonsgate for the annual 'Royal Griffon Races', which is an event with nobles racing each other in order to gain the prestige of being the fastest griffon rider. This national event especially attracts thousands of wealthy foreigners who come into the country just to see these magnificent creatures fly through the arena. The state implements a tax fee to all those who wish to see these races and they have been a major annual boon to Marrhold's economy.
+10% National Tax Modifier

Griffon Bombadier SquadronThe rise of artificers and their tools changed the art of warfare all throughout the world. Marrhold's elite division of griffon riders slowly lost relevance through the ages as sophisticated weapons became more commonplace, until Marrhold's own artificers developed a new magical bomb. Although hard to use on land, these explosives were perfect for being dropped from above by waves of flying griffons. Griffon knights were then officially renamed to Griffon Bombadiers, able to quickly launch devastating firepower on foes from the air.
+10% Land Fire Damage

+25% Caravan Power


