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Primary Culture

+25% National Supply Limit Modifier
+10% Production Efficiency

Birth Of A NationO, Aelantir! Ever since we first caught sight of these verdant shores, it was clear this was a virgin land, ripe to be sucked dry. Soon, vast fields of cotton and tobacco, sugar and rice, shall adorn these splendid lands. It is almost as if we can already see it in our minds, see our well-tended fields spread far and wide. 'Tis a shame about the local pests, of course, but they'll be dealt with easily enough.
-20% Culture Conversion Cost
-20% Cost to fabricate claims

Enchanting Fields of MarlliandeAny guest to our mansions might be awestruck by their ornate beauty, the pristine condition even of these new domains. But what they might not notice is that the lands surrounding every mansion are just as well-kept. The cotton is as soft as any Redglades silk, the flowing wheat as eye-catching as rubies on a pale neck. Truly, everywhere in Marlliande, not a blade of grass, sheaf of wheat, or drop of blood is out of place.
-1.5 National Unrest

Marlliander HospitalityMost who come to Aelantir expect the people to be as rough as the land, and for the most part, they are correct. Haughty elves, uncouth adventurers, and varied vermin dot the land. But when they come to Marlliande, they will find a people and realm as cultured and welcoming as any in Halann. And if any such guest would so desire to stay that they choose to join the ranks of our servants? Well, it is just a testament to our grace and charm, that they make such a decision of their own free will.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

Regent BeltIt is almost disgusting to contemplate, but in the Old World, it seems some have gone mad, questioning the legitimacy and structure of the Regent Court. We will be having absolutely none of that here in Marlliande. Ours is an Adean-following realm, and any who question his truth have no place in Marlliande. If any heretics land on these shores, the ruinous rains they have brought to Cannor might just follow them — and this land has already seen apocalypse aplenty.
+1% Missionary Strength
+2 Tolerance of the True Faith

The Lamented VoyageIt is not unfair that the route the slavers take — from the woods of Escann, where Orcs are hunted down, to the markets of Vertesk, where they are sold, and then across the sea to the splendid harbours of Marlliande — is called "the Lamented Voyage". For in truth, we lament its necessity as well. We truly do wish the fields could be tended without the chance of any view of their beauty being marred by an ugly green splotch. But alas, needs must, and so just as blood flows unceasing in the body, the caravans shall rumble, the ships shall sail, and the slaves shall toil evermore.
+10% Global Trade Power

Great PlantationsA Lencori King would choke on his wine, no matter the size of his vineyards, to see our orchards. Both peasant and Lord of the Ynn would cry in disbelief, that the same land which supports their subsistence farming could bear such works of grandeur. Even the vertical gardens of the most advanced Dwarven holds produce less per square foot than our most fertile fields. Well-tended by our dutiful servants and enslaved pests, Marlliander plantations are the envy of all Halann.
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

Of Fair BloodAbove all, it is blood that defines one's status. The poisonous blood of ruinborn and orcs is testament to their innate foulness, the paltry volume of halfling blood a clear sign of their less-than-full minds, and the black blood of gnolls proof of their demonic status. And the blood of a Marlliander? Pristine, well-kept, bred-for over generations and not a drop allowed to be polluted. In our veins flows the blood of kings, nobles, the greatest heroes and most brilliant minds, and it is proof of our worthiness as regents for Adean and rulers of Aelantir.
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

-10% Regiment Costs


