Marble Ideas

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+10% Artillery Damage from Back Row
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

Master Builders and SculptorsMarble dwarves are renowned for their sculpting and their architectural skills. Many of the greatest feats of architecture in Bahar during the age of God-Kings were built by the hands of the marble dwarves; like the old walls of Aqatbar, much of the island city of Azkaeliš, and the great fortress of Azka-szel-Azka. Time, war, devastation and the desperate scavenging has wiped away much of this work, but traces of the Marble Hold still remain everywhere. Many modern buildings stand on dwarven foundations, and dwarven stonework decorations can still be spotted on some ancient walls.
-15% Construction Cost

The Marble GateThe grand Marble Gate is a true wonder of the world. Made up of two giant blocks of marble, each door is estimated to weigh over 1500 tons. Meticulously maintained, the designs and decorations on the surface of the gate show the immense skill of the Marble stoneworkers.
+15% Fort Defence

South Serpentreach Cultural CrucibleShazstundihr's location as the southernmost part of the Serpentreach means that it opens its gates to many different cultures and beliefs. The humans of Bulwar were always welcome in the marble hold, whether for trade or otherwise. Shazstundihr had always managed to maintain an enduring peace with its neighbours of the surface realms, and in its heyday was a great cultural centre where many cultures from Bulwar and even Kheterata could be found.
+1 Max Promoted Cultures
+20% Religious Unity

Ancestral Mausoleum of Argor WhitebeardThe Ancestral Mausoleum of Shazstundihr is an awe-inspiring sight for any first-time visitors. Containing thousands of elaborately detailed marble statues of the most famous ancestors within it. Chief among them is a 30 meter tall statue of Argor Whitebeard, the master sculptor and founder of Shazstundihr.
+2 Tolerance of the True Faith

100 Point ContractsMarble merchants are well known for using meticulously detailed contracts, containing hundreds, if not thousands of contingencies and clauses. After the fall, many Marble merchants found a place working for their former customers. 'Written in marble' became a common saying among merchants far and wide to refer to airtight contracts, though most will not be able to tell you where this saying came from.
+10% Trade Efficiency

The Whitestone CouncilShazstundihr traditionally was ruled by the Whitestone Council, a group of 50 of the most prominent dwarves of the hold. The council members rarely changed unless a major event occurred, allowing Shazstundihr to prosper under the long-term vision of strong-willed leaders.
+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
-15% Reelection Cost

Brightbeard's GloryIn the year 6229 Before Ash, the Dwarf Mhoki Brightbeard brought an end to a 47 year long siege by the forces of the precursor empire, as he killed the precursor emperor Arethon with a powerful blow from his warhammer. The precursors sued for peace, and 29 years later would issue a full retreat from the entirety of Halann. It was often joked that Mhoki with that single blow had sent the whole precursor empire flying over the ocean.
+1 Land Leader Shock
+0.5 Yearly Prestige

-0.1 Yearly Corruption