Maranakavi Ideas

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+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy

Tvara's PaeanAs the Marajakani starved, they cried out to their gods, desperate for succour. Tvara answered with a song - not a eulogy for their dead, but a paean, celebrating their survival. Bolstered by the gentle wind that brought Azaly’s fleet to their shores, the Marajakani overthrew their tyrannical, ignorant matriarch, reshaping the very fabric of their society. Though none who heard Tvara’s song still live, its words have been passed from generation to generation, preserving it in Maranakavi’s history forever.\n\n"Hark to the wind, canst thou hear it blow?\nWitness as it layeth our Lady low.\nBeyond the sea, a new morning doth break.\nRise ye, o’ sleeper, this sword thou shalt take.\nGather thy people, all heirs to embrace\nOur Lady’s crown and her once-queenly grace.\nSound all the horns as our legions advance\nUp to the hill where the Lady doth dance.\nLook to the rocks, where we cast her decree.\nLeaving behind a new land of the free."
-2 National Unrest

Azaly's LandingThe founding event of their modern-day nation, no story is shared amongst the Maranakavi as much as that of Azaly’s Landing. When the Drying - known to the Maranakavi as the Fanamainana - arrived, the matriarch of the Maranajakani, Fenosoa, retreated inside her home atop the cliffs, hoarding what food and water remained for herself and her advisors while her people starved.\n\nTvara, eventually, breathed new life upon the Maranajakani; Halflings from the mainland, desperately seeking new homes. Instead of the rulers of vast states, bringing with them treasures and grand tales, they were simply working folk clutching tightly to what family had survived the perilous journey. They spoke of greed. Of how the wealthiest and most powerful had fled, leaving only a handful of poorly-maintained ships behind. Of how a sudden storm had blown the fleet off course, away from their fellow mainlanders. Leading this fleet was Azaly Seaseeker, a humble fisherman turned symbol of his people’s hope. The Marajakani accepted them with open arms. Today, that welcoming attitude fosters meritocracy in Maranakavi, whilst the carefully-preserved ships and stories of Azaly’s fleet inspire its navy.
-5% Idea Cost
+0.5 Yearly Navy Tradition

Fenosoa's Fall"My fellow Marajakani,\n\nToday, we stand on the brink of a new era - one of freedom, equality, and brotherhood! For too long we have suffered, and now our suffering is at an end! We fight not just for ourselves, but for our blood, and the blood of our blood! As we once united at the bottom of these cliffs, let us join together atop them, and cast this tyrant-queen into the sea!"\n\n- Andrianjaka Boldheart, Leader of the March.
+10% Morale of Armies

Anànena's RuleAfter Fenosoa the Tyrant was thrown from the cliffs, the seat of power in Maranakavi was moved to the village of Anànena, so as to be closer to the people the new council served. As Anànena grew, so did its government. Eventually, seeking to clearly delineate where power was drawn from, the council drafted and enacted Vyzemby’s first constitution - a landmark triumph in Maranakavi’s history. The expanding settlement attracted more traders, protected by the new laws, which only made the city grow further.
-5% Development Cost
+5% Trade Efficiency

Ashstrider's FortuneMaranakavi was home to the Ashstrider family, a prominent political dynasty from Anànena with a unique aptitude for luck magic. Their brand of magic was always viewed as a novelty. "In a game of cards," the saying went, "An Ashstrider would win one extra hand." This would change upon the arrival of a Cannorian trading fleet in 1585, bringing with it a renowned diviner who struck up a friendship with young Adrianary Ashstrider. Adrianary was hit with a novel idea; would it not be better to read the book of fate, rather than try to rewrite it?\n\nAfter conducting many experiments and gaining the permission of his mother, Adrianary took a portion of his family’s fortune and invested in a fledgling clove farm in southern Fahvanosy. That year, a particularly harsh summer resulted in a massive spice shortage. In a stroke of luck, a legendary transmutation mage from Newshire fell in love with a certain farmer during an expeditionary visit, and she spelled his clove field to prosper as a wedding present. The Ashstriders, witnessing this success began to invest in hundreds of tiny businesses across Sarhal. Almost all of them would return far more than they cost, bringing huge amounts of wealth to the family and their homeland.
+15% Trade Power Abroad

Vilany's TeachingsMaranakavi maintained the principles of its constitution strongly throughout its existence. Of particular note was the Law Of The Cauldron - that all who lived there could call themselves a member of the Bright Family. This would first be applied to the mainlander halflings, and then to the native lizardfolk, and then to any and all who came to the island seeking new lives and opportunities during the era of colonialism. By keeping this ethos close, Maranakavi would prosper as a unique melting pot of cultures, with its commitment to egalitarianism serving as a defining characteristic of the country.
+1 Tolerance of Heathens
+1 Tolerance of Heretics

Wind's WakingSince Fenosoa’s Fall and the events preceding it, Tvara served as the primary deity of the Maranakavi. As the republic grew and prospered, so did its people, and many were driven to travel north in fealty to her guidance, seeking the lands she sang from. Many Maranakavi arrived in Cannor as a result, joining and following the countless fleets that would arrive in Fahvanosy and creating a great many vital trading links in their wake.
+15% Ship Trade Power

+15% Improve Relations