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Primary Culture

+0.5 Yearly Army Tradition
+75% Vassal Force Limit Contribution

Greatest of the OgresMaghargma is the dominant power of the Ogres, ruling over a vast expanse of land and commanding the loyalty of all that tread its grounds. Though we may have forsaken our royal duties for centuries, we shall neglect the realm no more.
-20% Diplomatic Annexation Cost

Unwavering SpiritFighting for the glory of all Ogres and under the command of the warlords, our warriors fight without concern for their own well-being, comforted by the fact that their death shall feed and empower their fellow Ogre and that they died in honor of the realm.
+15% Recover Army Morale Speed

Ziltagh's RestorationThe stagnation and decadence that gripped our realm for centuries was finally extinguished by the great King Ziltagh Gravelhide, who rallied the warlords to repel the Centaur menace and restored the pride and might of Maghargma. He instituted several reforms to ensure our warriors would never become indolent knaves, and so our rulers never fall into a pit of hedonism again.
+1 Yearly Devotion
-30% Regiment Drill Loss
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy
+0.3 Yearly Republican Tradition

Rule with an Iron FistWe will not abide any disobedience among our own people, much less the weaklings we conquer. Our subjects know that any thoughts of rebellion will be ruthlessly quashed and those that continue to advocate for their "independence" shall be placed upon our dishes so we may inherit their boldness.
-5 Years of Separatism

Carry a Big StickAn Ogre's favorite weapon is a club, easy to create and use, and fully capable of shattering those that get in their way. Even while we move to using guns and cannons, we can still use our new weapons in the style we've used for eons, bludgeoning our enemies into bloody pulps when firepower cannot.
+10% Infantry Combat Ability

Ogre MagiMagic has quite a strange effect on Ogres, those that use it gain an insatiable hunger for damestear, the constant consumption of which causes them to undergo a kind of transformation, their skin turns blue, their builds become emaciated, and they adopt a more devious and cunning personality. While these traits may alarm many of our people, their ability on the battlefield ensures they will always find a place within our armies.
+10% Shock Damage

Guns of MaghargmaOwing to our large size, we can wield weaponry far outscaling those of the tiny humans, elves, or dwarves. While their rifles are but toothpicks for us, even our pistols would be counted as a cannon compared to their sizes, not to mention our muskets.
+10% Land Fire Damage

-10% Regiment Costs


