Magdalairey Ideas

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+15% Fort Defence
+10% National Tax Modifier

Our Lady MagdaThrough flaming turmoil and ashy skies, the people of Magdalaire remain united by hope: a hope that even in the blackest of times, the city may yet stand as an island amidst whatever may come. As the shadow of the Sorcerer-King fell upon Castanor and many armies fell beneath his onslaught, from the ashes arose this city, carved onto the map by the mother of Magdalaire, our dear Lady Magda.\n\nA Wexonard warlord doing battle for the good of the Free Realms, Magda was granted the rank of duchess in 1009 AA alongside a swathe of land at the foot of the Khenaks, upon which stood the great fortress of Escandar. Though kind to her people, she is largely remembered as a ferocious demon of the battlefield that feared neither human nor gnoll, and she inspires the many brave descendants of her city to emulate her prowess.
+10% Infantry Combat Ability

Parade of the GuardEach month, a rhythmic beat of marching feet can be heard throughout Magdalaire, alerting the residents to the merriment that will follow in its wake. The Parade of the Guard is a monthly show of discipline for the citizenry to observe in awe, complete with drums to coordinate each and every footstep near-flawlessly. Though certainly a sight to behold, the parade also serves as ample motivation for the guard to maintain peak drill, lest even a single step falter and disrupt the performance.
+25% Army Drill Gain Modifier

Below the RangeThough Cannor’s fields are fertile and its streams pure, the Empire of Anbennar often lacks the bounty of the mountain, with peaks few and far between. And though the gnolls persist upon the erstwhile Khenaks, our position to their west provides the city with ample supply of quarried stone to conceive grand feats of engineering unconstrained by material pursuits. It is in this manner that Magdalaire shall stake its claim among the Free Cities of the empire as an equal, for what we lack in population, we make up for tenfold in grandeur.
-10% Construction Cost
-10% Construction Time

Tapestries for KingsA royal hall deserves kingly attire to act as the soul of the lord’s court. The city of Magdalaire is famous across Cannor for its wondrously detailed tapestries recounting the epic (and often hyperbolic) tales of the buyers’ feats, with Magdalairey fabrics lining the walls of Wexhill Keep among many other great castles and manors. It is in this manner that a single city has stretched its arms over the continent, not through conquest nor intrigue, but stupendous sewing.
+10% Production Efficiency

The Elvenized WexonardsThe Moon Elves have been intertwined with the Wexonards of Magdalaire since the beginning. Our dear lady Magda began the tradition of elvenization with her marriage to Celarion, a moon elf warrior who selflessly fought alongside the Free Realms. Their half-elf descendants make up a notable upper class of the city, with elven influence visible in nearly all aspects of life, from architecture to the introduction of elven crops. Regardless of the current state of Anbennar, our elven kin shall always have a haven among brothers in Magdalaire.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

Magdalaire Grand TheatreMagdalaire has developed a particularly involved upper-class culture, leading to many private institutions popping up across the city. Perhaps the greatest of these facilities is the Grand Theatre, a marvelous mix of common talent and professional oversight resulting in a mesmerizing performance every time. Many famed plays found their beginnings in this place, spreading the stories of Magdalaire throughout Cannor in the form of entertainment.
+1 Yearly Prestige

Saint MagdaThe propagation of Ravelianism among the populace in the 1600's led to sweeping changes in local traditions, the most notable of which being the canonization of Magda as the patron saint of Magdalaire–and patron of seamstresses. Following the conclusion of the Wars of the Sorcerer-King, Saint Magda took it upon her own charitable soul to provide refuge to the innumerable widows of the war, many of whom would come from the devastated lands of Esmaria. This would inadvertently absorb a large portion of the sewing industry from the region and bring both peace and luxury to Magdalaire.\n\nUnder the banner of our dear Saint Magda, a unique culture of piety erupted from a spiritually stagnant population of urbanites. Such fervor would maintain the spirit of the city, unyielding even in subjugation and incorporation, leading to a new golden era for Magdalaire. This prosperity and prominence would allow the city limited autonomy even under a unified Anbennar, with the majority of power remaining in the hands of the local Wexonard and half-elf upper classes.
+1 Yearly Rectorate Influence
+1 Tolerance of the True Faith

+10% Trade Efficiency