Maakhibkhii Ideas

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+10% Morale of Navies
-0.1 Yearly Corruption

The AdeenOur past lies in the formation of the Adeen in Beeragga. Formed when the King of Beeragga expanded his bodyguard of slave soldiers to wage war aboard his ships. The Adeen would recruit from slaves purchased all over Sarhal, and in the golden age of the Baashidi would have a truly global membership. Once they received work from the Kings of Beeragga, they received slaves purchased from across the world to be trained as Adeen. Eventually, the Adeen of Beeragga would become the largest group amongst the Baashidi, composed of Dakinshi, Fangaulans, Halessi, Lizardfolk, and even Harpies. Many groups would set their image in the ideas of the Adeen, such as the Adasi in Bhuvauri. Ultimately, through the King of Beeragga growing dependent on our might we achieved the first steps of the Cycle Of Peace: Forming a nation to where we did not have to slave ourselves anymore. Maakhibkhii will be the state of our vision.
+1 Yearly Prestige

The WeaponizationThe soldiers of Maakhibkhii are some of the finest trained across Sarhal with their proficiency laying within gunpowder and bombardments. Having roots in the Adeen, Maakhibkhii soldiers were taught of the value within each of their lives. It was only right that we had them continue their training in artillery and guns. Having strong soldiers who can man these cannons has allowed for our military to pull off feats unlike no other nation in the Baashidi. The destruction of massive forts, the decimation of titanic armies - all have been accomplished by but a few of our soldiers. We shall pursue greater heights with our cannons and continue pushing the limits of what these weapons can do. Eventually, no army will be able to stand in the way of our great vision.
+10% Land Fire Damage

The DepthsThe Adeen were a force with presence in all forces of military life. While our tactics on land were instrumental in our success worldwide, our aquatic forces were nothing to be scoffed at as well. Sailors provided key support to our artillery units, and a place to retreat to if a battle was lost. This component of sailors evolved into the Maakhishi Marines. With assistance from merfolk, specialized soldiers with suits able to sustain humans underwater came into fruition. The suits gave wearers extra mobility through strange propulsion technology. Provided with merfolk weaponry, these marines played key roles in destroying ships at coast or on open seas. They were also able to walk upon land and trade their merfolk weaponry for a regular rifle.\n\nThe simple variety of these marines from the depths of the ocean to solid land has provided our state with a new tool to enforce our will.
+20% National Sailors Modifier

The HistoryThe philosophy of the fringe Adeen who comprise the nation of Maakhibkhii was conceptualized by Nasiiye Abshir, known to many as the Prophet Nasiiye. A lowborn, many believed Nasiiye to be a gift from divine law due to his knowledge of all things. In truth, Nasiiye was a mage of incredible ability. With dark violet eyes never seen amongst the Baashidi and heavenly charisma, he convinced many to join his following. His brother, Obsiiye Abshir, was his most trusted accomplice. They formed a council of like minded mages who worked under the name of "The Abshirites," taking steps towards Nasiiye’s dream.\n\nUnfortunately, the Abshirites activity caught the eyes of ill-minded people. During a visit to Baddabi, the council was attacked by an armed escort, and Nasiiye was murdered. Obsiiye returned to Nasiiye’s followers. He spoke of a Cycle Of Peace before gouging out his eyes and committing suicide. Later, most of Nasiiye’s followers would be persecuted and put into slavery. It would not be for hundreds of years that the Adeen would be reforged in a new light within Maakhibkhii.
+0.5 Yearly Army Tradition
+10% Mages Loyalty Equilibrium

The DiktatThe Adeen of Beeragga were forced into a rigorous training protocol from their very existence. We were forced into obedience, to have knowledge of the world, to train for days at a time without sleep, to fight against comrades to prove themselves worthy of their title. These skills have provided us with a strong reputation in Beeragga as a second army, and across the Baashidi as the most disciplined of all the Adeen. It was this influence on the nation of Beeragga that had allowed us to make political decisions as well. It began with the King Cawuk of Beeragga giving us administration of smaller towns under our protection, then his descendants providing us monetary support. Soon enough we had seats in his council and the power to sway votes. Ultimately, we leveraged this power to give birth to Maakhibkhii.
-15% Stability Cost Modifier

The SigilThe eyes of Nasiiye were rare amongst men. Violet with a golden glint, it was determined that his eyes bore the power to see into the future. When he died, it was said his eyes were preserved by the King of Beeragga due to his superstitious beliefs. Cannorians who have come to hear our tales have called Nasiiye a "diviner," a mage capable of foretelling events across time. We continue that honor in the sigil of our soldiers, and the flag of Maakhibkhii. The Eye of Nasiiye represents to us the vision of our ideologies and the true nature of the world. The twists and turns our flags bear are symbolic to how the world itself is blind to the Cycle Of Peace, bringing themselves down into an eternal spiral of conflict in the process. We hope to one day achieve the same level of clairvoyance he was given in an attempt to carry on Obsiiye’s will to bring the truth across the globe.
-2 National Unrest

The Cycle Of PeaceYears upon years, the Baashidi spent on war. First it was the War of Cultures, then the War of the Millenium soon after the Dagafita. Cities could be rebuilt, but the countryside and the people were ravaged. The losses were insurmountable. With each death the hatred between countries grew. Soon the villagers began their own wars, hanging outsiders and closing themselves off to the outside world as a form of protection. Pain became the common language, and we lost ourselves within it.\n\nWe, the Adeen, came from suffering. The slaves of the Baashidi who had become hardened after decades of labor and conflict. Our houses were stolen, destroyed, or lost to time. We had nowhere else to go once we had been liberated. Finding solace in our own tragedy, we joined together. All that we had witnessed brewed together to a new philosophy:\n\nThere will never be true peace so long as the Baashidi remain ignorant, for true peace is the child of tragedy. Tranquility will only be achieved once everyone has gone through the same suffering, and realizes the pain that comes from it. It is our mission to make all of the world realize the truth.\n\nFeel it, know it, and embrace it. Welcome pain to your heart and you shall see how Halann unites around it.
+10% Morale of Armies

-25% Artillery Barrage Cost