Lot Dekkhang

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Lot Dekkhang

Primary Culture

+20% Caravan Power
+5% Mercenary Discipline

The Dauloph SystemCentred around the Dekkhang feudal contract, the mercenary nobility of Lot Dekkhang enjoy privileges not seen in other kingdoms, such as reduced taxes and levies. These mercenary nobles, called Daulophs, traditionally use these excess men and gold for investments into mercenary companies. For us, we benefit from having a larger mass of ready mercenaries, as well as capable men to lead them.
-10% Leader Cost
+20% Mercenary Manpower

TeplinbasietLocated on the highest hill of the city, the Teplinbasiet stands tallest amongst our city. One of the High Temples sought after by Harimar, the tigerfolk would conquer Lapnam Amrik, repressing and subjugating the populace under a zealous religious governor. Now under human jurisdiction, the temple has been subverted, with its conversion to a theatre and arena - the former teaching old folktales, and the latter showcasing combat prowess.
-1% Yearly Army Tradition Decay

Mercenary DialectComposed of many languages, Mercenary Dialect was developed with the purpose of exchanging information with many foreign clientele. Even past their time as mercenaries, the Daulophs of Lot Dekkhang commonly use it to communicate with foreign dignitaries - or to bewilder them.
+10% Improve Relations
+50% Power Projection From Insults

Weapon Market BookkeepingIn the early 16th century, the Great Weapon Market at Lapnam Amrik had bloated to a massive size. Miles of stalls, violence between competing bands, and corrupt clerks undermined trade and the law. In 1546, Dimche Beokhting was appointed as manager of the market. She reorganised the stalls, settled disputes, hired diligent clerks, and created a new form of Bookkeeping named after her. The result was an efficient market, free of violence, and much more open for foreign trade than in centuries past.
+10% Domestic Trade Power

Khram Ptaa National AcademyEstablished in 1597 by the famous veteran Tirakseb of the Grand Contingent, one of the most notorious High Philosophy academies in the world began following a disastrous defeat of the Grand Contingent. Originally military oriented, it expanded to host a wide variety of subjects, from Philosophy to Dekkhangi Literature. Now, there is a large surplus of scholars and academics whose ideas we can apply to the state.
-10% Idea Cost

Sphangaokbrach Battery TacticsIn the last few centuries, cannons have become a common form of warfare in Haless. But the defensive infrastructure present in Bomdan needed special attention in order to be overcome. To this end, the development of the Sphangaokbrach "Copper Ram Batteries in 1680 gave Dekkhangi generals the ability to overcome the many forts found throughout Bomdan.
+10% Artillery Combat Ability

The Steel ConstitutionHistorically, the steel-bind contract, otherwise known as the Dekkhang, was a loose set of disjointed laws and firm privileges afforded to the Daulophs. This had always caused local officials to struggle with all the contradictory or vague laws that arose in the centuries after its establishment. Between 1732 and 1734, Metnikhren IV created a royal constitution, codifying the Dekkhang and adding new laws for the modern era, centralising the kingdom in the process.
-0.05 Monthly Autonomy Change

+10% Siege Ability


