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Primary Culture

+15% Fort Defence
+1 Land Leader Shock

A Task From High AboveLipmekat did not exist until recently. It was with the decline of Fetengoni in the region that allowed the anti-slavery Rabble-Rousers formed from freed slaves from Bhuvauri to make way in the lands of Lipmekat. Ultimately, these Rabble-Rousers were defeated in 1370 at Lipmekat itself, and allowed for Lipmekat to be given to the most honorable general of the war, a certain Tamrat Ije Yemane-Tamrat, where he founded the first kingdom. He would soon realize his position as the first independent king came with a price, for the Dakinshi viewed the invasionas a chance to raid the lands of the Mengi. The amount of blood shed by the unprepared soldiers gave Tamrat Ije Yemane-Tamrat the title of Crimson King. He was able to beat back the invaders, at the costs of thousands upon thousands of souls. He would continue fighting on, until his death in battle against the Dakinshi. His son took up his blade, and his son after that. During this time, the people of Lipmekat grew stern and hardened, prepared to take upon the task given to them by our God above.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

The Crimson KingUpon the throne of Lipmekat reigns ascendant the Crimson King. Given full reign over the people of his country, he is to devote his whole heart into protecting his civilians from the ever present threat of the Dakinshi, the fierce natives of the south. Whether he must be firm and rash to stand fearless in the face of an enemy, or a strategist able to destroy an army with a single order, victory must be assured by his hand. \n\nIf he is to falter…\n\nIf he is to lose focus but for a second…\n\nDestruction is assured.\n\nThus, he must wear his bloodied crown high above his head, and take up arms to defend the kingdom of Lipmekat!
-25% Military Advisor Cost

Fight For Your LivesThe poor souls of Lipmekat face a constant battle against the Dakinshi. Raids are frequent, and if ill prepared, survivors are few and far between. The Crimson King knows this, and also has the knowledge to give his people the strength and tools to fight against them. Spears and swords for the men, daggers for the women and children. They should be taught well of the tales of soldiers and men on the front alike, for there is no slacking off in face of invasion.\n\nMost importantly of all, instill into them the values of the strong warrior, destined to face their enemies in battle. The Dakinshi are fierce, but they will falter under the strong and fortified men of Lipmekat. Repeat it a hundred times, a thousand times, until they cannot forget what they fight for: their country, their kingdom, their homes, their people, their families, friends and children, their lives, and their souls.
-5% Fire Damage Received
-5% Shock Damage Received

All For An EyeFighting the Dakinshi is always a pain. Their raids take much out of the coffers of the Crimson King. A good ruler though, knows that against an enemy like the Dakinshi, it is justified to plunder all they have taken from his people, and more. Why should the righteous men of Lipmekat respect the rabid wills of beast worshippers, when they destroyed our homes countless times before? The good folk of Lipmekat will not stand for it. Not one bit of it. Raid their mines, plunder their gold, steal their jewels, and take their relics.\n\nWhile the saying may be "an eye for an eye," for the Dakinshi? Taking everything from them will suffice for the countless times they have pillaged us.
-20% Unjustified Demands

Medicine Of LifeThe fields of battle do not hold rest for soldiers. Stained red from the blood of brothers and foes alike, their wounds are deep, and their bodies lie wailing of pain. For a country so small though, we cannot afford the loss of a single injured man. Their hearts may not give way, they must keep the fire of the soul burning, so that Lipmekat may continue on.\n\nTo replenish these losses, the women of the kingdom are taught the practice of medicine from a young age, and brought to the frontlines firsthand to treat the brave soldiers. In this way, they are able to gain substantial experience with healing practices, and all that may be done to save the life of a warrior. This has given Lipmekat a great honor amongst the Mengi, holding prestigious practitioners of various forms of healing. These women can be seen throughout the Mengi, assisting in various conflicts that may face our cousins.
+10% Recover Army Morale Speed

Purveyors Of ShapeshiftersSlaves are a notorious part of the Mengi, no doubt about it. Lipmekat’s neighbors in Yetmesira know the deals very well, and sell slaves across Sarhal and Haless. The Crimson King has another niche to fill in that market: his kingdom is a supplier.\n\nThe battles with the Dakinshi provide hundreds of captured warriors that Lipmekat may provide to their neighbors, who will sell them on to the larger market. This market they play in, though, has a particular interest in the large amount of shapeshifters the Dakinshi contain. Their extraordinary abilities make buyers spend hundreds more on the sight of one. Thus, it is considered an honor to be able to capture a shapeshifter to sell on to others, for it brings large amounts of wealth to a family. This market has given the small kingdom a sustainable economy, to where no child may need to go hungry if the market is kept alive.
+1 Merchants

Everlasting ConflictAn old Mengi Poem, credited to a scholar from Lipmekat…\n\nOld arguments, new words, always rowdy.\n\nHow does the young man not see the old man’s strength?\n\nSpears and swords break bones, but they don’t hurt him.\n\nIt is with pride that the old man stands.\n\nA pride to teach and to punish the young.\n\nTo defend himself and his mind from his criminality.\n\nThe old man does not need new words, for the argument is always the same.\n\nHe simply rephrases it, until the young man tires.
+100% Army Tradition From Battles

+15% Shock Damage


