Lion Command Ideas

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+15% National Tax Modifier
+10% Morale of Armies

Multicentric Principle“No single man has the knowledge, character, and time to handle the multitude of issues facing a growing empire. The primary task of a good Marshal is to ensure that local problems are handled by someone capable of exuding the same ultimate authority as his own, this person should also complement that authority with an understanding of local issues built from years of direct oversight.\nAccordingly, the lands under our rule should be split into regions overseen by a single governor, appointed for two-decade terms. They shall have unquestioned power within their region, and this power shall only be overridden if a majority agrees among current and former governors. Future marshals should be chosen from this body of active or previous governors, for only they have shown the ability to lead others outside of the battlefield.”\n\nThis was the position of Kuen Lionborn, a young general who vigorously advocated for his views on how to oversee new lands and organize the Great Command to the likes of Moguwon himself.
-15% Cost of Advisors with Ruler's Culture

Serpentbloom and StickLion Hobgoblins have had extensive experience living alongside other races in the Serpentspine and we have realized that there is an advantage in observing the twisted ways of such dishonorable societies.\nWhen we understand their intricacies, we can manipulate them towards our own ends. This is how we coexisted with goblins, for they are selfish and short-sighted people that only recognize harm and benefits if they have personally experienced them.\n\nThus we developed a so-called “serpentbloom and stick” approach, whereby we directly reward good behavior and punish bad behavior in equal doses to the individual, without any summary punishment or unnecessary kindness. Perhaps the Raheni will be amenable to the same approach, although they may not appreciate the refined taste of serpentbloom as we and the goblins do.
+2 Tolerance of Heathens

Apprentice GeneralsOther Commands might find it foolish to send young, inexperienced hobgoblins to battle, but we believe that talent can be recognized and nurtured from youth. Therefore, some among our young are occasionally tasked with helping our generals in and out of battle alike, so that they might learn directly by seeing and doing. The youth all look forward to these opportunities, each ready to garner respect from their seniors by striving to be bold and knowledgeable in tactics, though few are able to keep up in the heat of the battle.\n\nDespite the serious circumstances, our older generals are happy to have more younglings to leave the monotonous tasks to. Few generals fail to amuse themselves by directing pranks and jokes to the unsuspecting younglings, just as the old men experienced, or suffered, in their own youth.
-1% Yearly Army Tradition Decay
-10% General Cost

Lights of GronstunadIn the dark, straight paths of the Dwarvorod, nothing travels faster than light. The need to communicate across great distances led to us developing a system of light signals: a series of dashes and dots, each signifying a word, or sometimes a whole set of common instructions. With this system in place, and a series of carefully-positioned relay stations, the Marshal hardly needs to raise a finger before his orders are carried out. The lights of Grônstunad are ever-flickering, and the business of administering an empire is carried out entirely in silence.\n\nOutside the Serpentspine, light is easily swapped for smoke, or blasts of a horn on the battlefield. Regardless of the tool, it is the knowledge of these signals that enables both rapid promulgation of administrative policy by our governors, and the successful execution of complicated battlefield manoeuvres by our generals.
-25% Envoy Travel Time
-0.05 Monthly Autonomy Change

Concise or EloquentKnow when to be concise and know when to be eloquent.\nPleasantries should be spared when they serve no purpose. Eloquence should be used when it is likely to achieve a grander goal by expending fewer resources. While one can somewhat operate within Hobgoblin society by only being blunt and concise, eloquence is necessary when interacting with the more evasive Halessi; choosing the right words might mean facing one fewer enemy on the battlefield.\nAfter all, why fight two enemies today when you can fight the gullible fool tomorrow?
-10% Aggressive Expansion Impact
-5% Province War Score Cost

Legacy of KuenThe ideas of Kuen Lionborn on devolving the powers of the Great Marshal were strongly challenged– and seemingly defeated– during the long rule of Moguwon. This was perhaps not because of some inherent flaw in his thinking, but rather because the circumstances and power of Moguwon overrode the valid concerns that he put forward.\n\nYet his ideas were not truly forgotten, and, in time, the growing Command found itself struggling to administer the new land beyond Shamakhad. This led to the creation of the Tiger, Elephant and Dragon Commands, whose territorial scopes and delegations of power resembled (and were inspired by) the train of thought started by Kuen a century prior.\n\nKuen’s ideals, though, postulated a Command run by a Marshal and governors who are able to trust and respect one another. The Great Command ended up divided into distinct and self-serving clans, and this led to its fall. Just as Kuen foresaw, if shared identity and camaraderie breaks down, collapse will come soon after!
+1 Monarch Diplomatic Skill

Our PrideThe aloof lion is confident of its superiority, and yet remains able to take the lead when the call has arrived. Every young Lion Hobgoblin grows independent quickly in the hostile Jade Mines, but their clan elders never lose sight of them, observing the journey of the child from a distance and guiding it. Similarly, our generals nurture our young officers by allowing them to take the lead on the battlefield, as officers know their charismatic superiors always have their back, and are ready to step in.\n\nThe reckless cubs of today will soon grow to be the confident lions of tomorrow. Our pride lives on!
+100% Army Tradition From Battles

+2 Land Leader Shock