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Primary Culture

+1 Yearly Devotion
+1 Yearly Horde Unity
+1 Yearly Legitimacy

The Paramount Spring under HeavenThe Spirit Spring of Linquanzhuang is the largest and most significant fresh-water spring in Xianjie and is considered a holy site of the Righteous Path due to the belief that the spring is a gateway to the Spirit Realm. At the center of the lake-sized pool, water columns spew from underground caves, emitting thunderous sounds and mist that creates small rainbows. This outstanding display has led to the spring earning the nickname 'The Paramount Spring under Heaven' for a good reason.
+2 Tolerance of the True Faith

Spring GuardiansSince time immemorial, the Order of the Sacred Spring has been tasked with keeping the Spirit Spring safe from anyone who may do it harm. Ever since, the monks of the order have taken the utmost care in keeping their sacred duty. The innermost guard posts are only allowed for the most skilled and dedicated monks, who swear an oath to never abandon their posts or forswear their guardianship for as long as they live. Veteran monks from other schools sometimes leave their old temples to join the ranks of the order, seeking to use their lifelong skills for the most holy purpose.
-10% Morale Damage Received

Spirit PactShìquánxiannu, also known as the Spring Maidens, are a group of water spirits who live in the springs of Linquanzhuang. Said to be the gatekeepers of the entrance to the Spirit Realm, the spring-spirits have formed a pact with the people of Linquanzhuang, which has been honored since time immemorial: in exchange for the locals revering them as the town's patrons and building canals around it to allow the spirits to move beyond the confines of the springs, Shìquánxiannu would protect the village from enemy invaders and evil spirits, and serve as the local monks' magical patrons.
+1 Attrition for Enemies
+5% Monthly Faith Power

Fanhúnxiang IncenseWhile the spirit-spring's water is well-known for its good taste and is popular among the locals for brewing tea and alcohol, the monks of Lingquanzhuang use it primarily to produce the legendary Fanhúnxiang Incense. The incense has the power to return the spirits of the dead for a short time, allowing the souls of the recently departed to regain themselves within the smoke of the burning incense. It is in high demand for those grieving the loss of their loved ones, who use the incense to cope with the loss of those close to them and find closure with spirits otherwise incapable of lingering in this world after death.
+10% Trade Efficiency

Memorial Hall of the ArtistsLinquanzhuang has been made famous all across Yanshen by songs, art, and literature. Over the centuries, many famous authors, musicians, painters, and poets have made the journey to the center of Xianjie to be inspired by its tranquility and natural beauty, several of whom chose to settle there. To commemorate the artists who spread the town's fame, Righteous Master Panlong founded the Memorial Hall of the Artists in 1377, where their works are displayed. The monument has led to even more talent flocking to Linquanzhuang for a chance to be immortalized in fame, making it even easier to hire talented court artists.
-13% Administrative Advisor Cost
+1 Possible Advisors

Spirit Possession RitualThe Order of the Sacred Spring is famous for its spirit-possession ritual, where spirits are beseeched to enter the bodies of unconscious monks. In their possessed state, spirit-controlled monks can perform great feats of combat while being impervious to pain or exhaustion, which also risks incapacitating or killing the possessed due to the spirits’ inability of feeling bodily strain.\n\nThe order’s most skilled members can avoid this with a much harder spirit-channelling technique, where the medium retains their consciousness and control of their body while a spirit possesses them, granting the martial artist a great power-boost without spirit-possession’s normal drawbacks - even allowing uncooperative spirits to be used.\n\nThe ritual is the Order’s closest-guarded secret, and only their highest members know of the ritual's details. While any could hypothetically be used in the ritual as a medium, the order’s elders are discerning on the matter of the suitability of a vessel for the Spring-Maidens.
+1 Leader(s) without Upkeep
-10% Leader Cost

The Rampage of YouquánxianjunIn the 18th century, all of Haless was torn asunder as the bonds between the spirit and material realms shattered. Destruction reigned, but in few places was the juxtaposition between peace and chaos as pronounced as in Linquanzhuang. From the waters of the once peaceful spring, a water spirit of humongous proportions emerged, bringing ruin everywhere it went. The local monks, seeing this as the physical manifestation of the sacred spring they’d watched over for so long, decided to follow this spirit, which they interpreted as their long-awaited savior against the hobgoblins. Led by their monstrous champion and possessed by countless rampaging spirits, the monks inflicted incredible defeats on the Elephant Command until it disappeared into the spirit plane at the end of the Rending, taking its spring maidens and every possessed monk with it.
+10% Morale of Armies

+1 Diplomatic Reputation


