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Primary Culture

-15% Core-Creation Cost
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

The Land of Ten Thousand ShrinesWhile initially a title dedicated to the Mulim forest, where it is said that shrines outnumber the trees, Lingyuk has earned the epithet "Land of Ten-Thousand Shrines". Encouraged by the spirit-revering government, shrines of countless kinds have popped up across Haless. Dedicated to all manner of spirits big and small (especially the Huli-Jing), the Mystic Accord has rocketed upwards in popularity - almost as if the people of Haless were waiting for the moment to proclaim their true faith!
+1% Missionary Strength
+1 Missionaries

Huszien, Our ShepherdAll spirits are revered as protectors and mentors, but none more so than Huszien Herself. Already the leader of Yinquan, the realm which finally took up the mantle of uniting spirit-kind, She was a natural candidate to lead all of Lingyuk. Her reconstructed form is a veritable wellspring of magic; wed to Yanhe, She has at Her disposal an almost inconceivable amount of power. Huszien is loath to use it. After all, She does not need magic to steer the nation to greatness. When She does use it, however, even the mountains bend to the decrees of Lingyuk.
-5% All Power Costs

The Endless DebateHuszien might rule the nation, but Her composite spirits rule Her. The Huli-Jing and the Gumiho, the aspects of Her existence, regularly gather together to debate how best to process the world around Huszien. This is known as the Endless Debate. Whoever is dominant in these debates influences Huszien's personality, advising Her to act one way or another even as she comes to her own conclusions. A unique arrangement like this has given Huszien and the ruling class a number of very important lessons on how to reach a consensus. Using those lessons, more minority groups can be placated without compromising the unity of Lingyuk.
+2 Max Promoted Cultures

Proclamation of LingyukHaless has been forced away from its natural state for millenia. The High Temples, constructed by some loathsome batch of precursors, all but banished spiritkind from the continent. Separated from our brethren for so long, we have all but forgotten the truth of this land.\n\nNevermore! Lingyuk, the spirit domain, shall excise the rot that has set in; we declare war against all the false "nations" of Haless. Once their divisions have been washed away with blood, the continent shall return to the state it should have always been in: Man and spirit, co-existing in eternal harmony.
+15% Manpower in True Faith provinces
-10% War Score Cost vs Other Religions

The Maiden EnlightenmentThe Maidens of Liho are an organization that dates back centuries. First patronized by Yinquan, they have since grown to encompass the entirety of Lingyuk's state. They practice a unique style of magic that makes heavy use of ritualized dances and the now well-known gohei staff. This magic serves to purify our weapons, ensuring that they always strike true. Our armor, meanwhile, seems all the more willing to suffer otherwise destructive blows after being imbued with Huszien's power.
+5% Infantry Combat Ability
-5% Shock Damage Received

The Flow of the YanheSecond only to Huszien is Yanhe, the Great Dragon. As he is the husband of Huszien, it is his duty to ensure that Her children are as well cared for as his. In this regard, Yanhe is generous; The Yanhe river is always welcome and friendly to the children of Lingyuk. Its waters are especially fertile, quick to rejuvenate the soil along its bank. Our farmers are able to produce great harvests with no extra effort - all through our harmony with the spirits.
+5% Goods Produced Modifier
+5% Production Efficiency

The Land of FestivalsYinquan's rich history of festivals, encouraged by the Huli-Jing, has proven contagious. Many of their holidays and celebrations have spread throughout Lingyuk, leading ultimately to the creation of a single, unified calendar. These celebrations are incredibly frequent, and during them men and spirit mix without any care for the identity of others. It is here that the harmony of Lingyuk can be seen in full display. All of the merriment has led to a much happier populace, too.
-2 National Unrest


