Lianzhou Ideas

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+10% Governing Capacity Modifier
+0.15 Infantry Shock

Return of the KingYanshen saw her highest peak under the rule of the old Harimari Empire, and since the final dissolution of our rule around 400 AA, the land has been divided into feuding warlords and tyrants, set on a downward path towards savagery. How fortunate of them that we have returned to the throne to finally rein them in and put them in their place.
-5 Years of Separatism

The Eastern CastesThe caste system of Rahen has formed the sturdy backbone of several major kingdoms and empires across thousands of years. By adapting it to our current situation we can hope to achieve similar longevity for our own empire.
-15% Stability Cost Modifier

Eunuch AdministrationIn the aftermath of Harimar the Great's conquest of Yanshen, the decimated royal families were replaced by a caste of eunuch administrators. Since then they've become the dominant power in the land, taking advantage of the rights granted to them by our ancestors.\n\nThese bureaucrats owe their position to us, and now it is time for them to return to their status as our loyal officials.
-20% State Maintenance

Sharpening Our ClawsOur people have always been few in numbers, though nowhere are we more in the minority than Yanshen. If our warriors are to defend and fight for our empire, they must be relentlessly drilled and ready for battle at all times.
-30% Regiment Drill Loss
+30% Army Drill Gain Modifier

Warlords to MarshalsHaless has been a land ruled by warlords for centuries, many of which have been recruited into our ranks as generals.
+2 Leader(s) without Upkeep

Order of the Divine CallThe distinguished members of the Order of the Divine Call are the most eloquent and respected ambassadors of our empire, perfectly suited to acting as our emissaries in foreign courts and representing the throne.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation
+20% Improve Relations

Journey to the WestWe may have regained control over Yanshen, but we are far from finished with the reclamation of our birthright. Further west, in our ancient homeland of Rahen, monsters and corruption have brought dishonor to the Raj. Their claims of grandeur are hollow, their armies weak.\n\nIt is time for us to journey back home, and restore the glory of the Harimari Empire.
-15% Province War Score Cost

+0% Yearly Army Professionalism