Lesnikpanvic Ideas

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+1 Land Leader Manoeuvre
-20% Unjustified Demands

Yarhelval VelenikYarhelval Velenik was a ranger hailing from Vels Fadhecai who joined up with Alaran’s army following their victory over Arverynn in 1443. An experienced ranger standing as tall as a tree and as showcasing natural skills for leadership, he quickly rose through the ranks, gaining a command position. Following Alaran’s death by the hands of Artoray yen Bacar during the siege of Vels Bacar, Yarhelval kept the rangers under his command organised and safely retreated from the siege. He took his troops westward under the cover of the general chaos and seized the town of Vels Amsto for himself, proclaiming himself the ranger lord.
+1 Monarch Military Skill

Wealth of Vels AmstoYarhelval’s erstwhile leader Alaran had not just amassed an army, but also a warchest to fund this army for years. Yarhelval was able to seize much of this wealth before heading to Vels Amsto, and put it to good use to improve his newfound capital. Over the next few decades, Vels Amsto grew from a minor Sarda town to one that garnered respect from all those around it, and while it wasn’t the most populous, its quick rise was a sign to all that not just the cities of the ancient empire could prosper.
-10% Development Cost in Primary Culture

Velenik CompanyNamed after lord Velenik, the Velenik company was a collection of 50 master rangers. These rangers were renowned for their skills in archery and stealth; their gray-green cloaks were enchanted to blend in with their surroundings, making them almost invisible while they were still. Being accepted into their ranks was the highest honour a ranger could ask for. They acted as mentors, spies, monster hunters and diplomats, quickly accruing such fame that they began to be employed by other lordships as respected advisors
+10% Adventurers Loyalty Equilibrium
+10% Movement Speed

Battle of LesthromAny elf who had laid eyes upon the battlefield before combat had initiated at the Battle of Lesthrom would have thought it was the end for the Rangers of Velenik. Hopelessly outnumbered and with no knights of their own, a group of mages devastated the Stanyrhradan charge by turning the ground below their feet into a field of mud, reducing shining knights to a mass of antlers and elves. Arrows are said to have blotted out the sun as the battlefield turned into a slaughter of the Stanyrhradan forces.
+10% Infantry Combat Ability

Yeborada ZakavlaiYeborada Zakavlai was a local transmutation mage from Vels Amsto who was the best arborist in her generation. She could grow a tree to be as thick as an ancient oak in days, and craft the most intricate wooden objects by magically weaving branches together as they grew. This skill was put to thorough use: a natural wall of trees was formed together to protect Vels Amsto itself, and various treehouse fortresses were created in the nearby woods to allow rangers to ambush any who tried to besiege the town.
-10% Construction Cost

Vodynnar RangersWhile Lesnikpansvo saw initial success, most rangers tired of politics and preferred the woods over the courts. While the country would be annexed by Stanyrhrada shortly before the War of Bacaran Succession, its legacy of uniting a significant number of rangers behind a common cause would last for centuries. Many rangers later joined the Vodynnar reformers, aiding villages in fighting their lords and fighting against unjust lords wherever they could.
+50% Rebel Support Efficiency
+10% Spy Network Construction

The FadhefalahitesIn 1515 the Morbanite Freemen, a group of Alenic settlers, attempted to create a settlement in the Veykodan Overlands. Harried by buycev and wendigos, they had to abandon their settlement and fled into Sarda, where they would eventually settle throughout the Hradapolere area. With them came a Falah enclave of priests, whose skill in archery and appreciation for all life made them quick allies and friends of the Sarda rangers. Some of these would go on to merge Falah into their daily life, worshipping her alongside the Ynn itself. This group referred to themselves as the Fadhefalahites or the Far Falahites. These rangers would create special groves in the many forests of Sarda, open to any for aid and containing stashes of weapons to deal with dangerous beasts and creatures.
+2 Tolerance of Heathens

-5 Years of Separatism