Leptone Ideas

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+15% National Manpower Modifier
-10% Leader Cost

The Blood DivesTo the Kooras, Damestear, K'il'uil Kseldos (Kseldos’ Blood) is a most holy material. The Ja’akaiin faith teaches that it is the blood that falls from the body of their now-dead water god, Kseldos, after his battle with the evil fire god, Dikaal. It is therefore used in many rituals and ceremonies, often reduced to powder to be ingested, applied on the body or used as pigments.\n\nDue to the value the Kooras place on Damestear, collecting it is of the highest importance, and they are always in search of new sources of Damestear. One of these sources, and by far the most abundant in Damestear, is found underwater. The ocean, like the rest of Halann, receives many a Damestear meteorite, which often end up deposited from the rest of the Torn Sea to the Bay of Haraf through advantageous currents. To harvest this rich source, the Kooras perform a coming-of-age ritual, called the Blood Dives. These rituals consist of a preparation phase, often lasting days, as youths are enveloped in costly and laborious breathing and protective spells. They are then sent underwater for a few hours, dispatching in groups of four, trying to find Damestear shards on the bottom of the littoral.
+2 Tolerance of the True Faith

Tsewee Kyin"Carved from one of the highest sea cliffs of Aelantir, the Tsewee Kyin is considered by many to be the most beautiful place in Haraf. Located on the western coast of the Gulf of Haraf, it is the most populous and famous Kooras city.\n\nThe coasts of Haraf were relatively unpopulated when the Kooras arrived in the region, the Paleptaiinky wishing to stay close to their holy river and most Silent Watchers preferring the cover of the jungle for protection. After a large deposit of holy Damestear was found in caves in the southern coast, Kooras were quick to found a small village centered around the caves. As this village grew to be a true city, appealing to many Kooras due to the holy site, buildings started to be built inside the cave system, and finally were carved out of the very cliffs, leading to the unique features that make the Tsewee Kyin such an awe-inspiring place.\n\nThe architectural style seen in the Tsewee Kyin is one of the most unique in Aelantir, with buildings carved in stone running down the cliffs from their brinks to the beach below, and a complex system of stairs allowing the entire city and the many caves of the cliffs to be connected."\n-Excerpt from The Haraf Account, Vol.3
-5% Construction Cost
+0.5 Yearly Prestige

Ja'adkaliiAmong the magical population of Leptone, many were adept in the art of hydromancy, casting breathing spells or manipulating water at will. The mastery was useful when organizing Blood Dives, defending water points from enemies, or hiding in them for ambushes. These mages were called Ja’adkalii, Water Wizards in the Kooras tongue, and they often served as advisors, generals and later admirals of the Leptone.
+1 Naval Leader Shock

A New Kind of MagicWhen the smallfolk arrived in Haraf, they brought with them a new concept, which they called "artificery". Mixing the power of magic with that of technology, they were able to create impressive inventions, some looking strangely like the wonders crafted by the Riftwatchers. The Kobolds of Zurzumexia were great friends to the Leptone since their landing in Léembakal, and through cultural exchange many open-minded Ja’adkalii became fond of the idea of artificery, becoming the first Ruinborn artificers in Aelantir, and even creating some of their own inventions, such as mobile, waterproof Sparkdrive rifles.
-10% Idea Cost

Leptone GunnersThe arrival of the smallfolk artificers heralded the advent of gunpowder weaponry throughout Haraf. The Leptone, as great friends of the Kobolds and the artificers in general, were early adopters of firearms into their tactics. Many a Leptone foe was brought low after mistaking their guns for clubs or walking sticks, and foolishly charging into their waiting gunners' volleys.
+0.15 Infantry Fire

Scaled StatesmenIn the decades after the arrival of the smallfolk in Haraf, the friendship between Zurzumexia and the Leptone flourished into a full-on alliance. The benevolent Kobolds helped the Leptone discover artificery and firearms, and eventually started to advise the tribe in their modernization efforts, with many Kobold statesmen helping to write the constitution of the emergent Leptone state. In exchange, the Leptone provided Zurzumexia with advantageous trade and research deals, supporting the artificers’ demand in Damestear. Many Kooras would leave their tribe for the newly founded city of Zurzumexia, working as equals of the Kobolds, sometimes even as auxiliaries of the main army. Eventually, the two states would unite shortly after 1588, making Zurzumexia one of the havens of Cannorian-Ruinborn cooperation in Aelantir.
+15% Reform Progress Growth

Ruinborn AmbassadorsAfter the unification of Leptone and Zurzumexia, the ancient Kooras population of the tribe had to integrate themselves into society. Many Ja’adkalii, already invested in artificery, became full-on researchers and engineers. Meanwhile, Riftwatchers, while in lesser numbers than in the other tribes, were useful assets in many sectors, many of them becoming strategists in the army or navigators in the navy. Many common people simply started working as soldiers, artisans, peasants or traders. However, a large portion of the Kooras in Zurzumexia took on a role relatively unpredicted; they worked as diplomats, managing relations with the other Kooras and their Harafic kin due to their common cultures, religions and experiences as Ruinborn. After Zurzumexia, Mestikardu and Gommoport came together to form the Triarchy, relations with Ruinborn only became more important, and the role of the Kooras generalized to be ambassadors towards all Ruinborn, eventually becoming the designated diplomats of the Triarchy.
+1 Diplomatic Reputation

-10% Artillery Cost