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Primary Culture

+1 Attrition for Enemies
-10% Shock Damage Received

Reorganizing To SurviveOur ancestors lived in peace for hundreds of years, regardless of whether they came from the north or from the south: invasions of the Lupulan were a bedtime story for them, already more than 150 years distant. This changed for good after the Brenulan Expedition; the chiefdoms from the south fled north, following the Pandun River upstream, and there they found their destiny. When they arrived they were welcomed with open arms and together with the northern chiefdoms stood against the expedition. Many battles were fought, and three years after the fighting started the Brenulan Expedition was expelled from our ancestors' lands - but even after gathering together we were not able to recover the southern chiefdoms’ land, and after many debates the chiefdoms settled in place. There was only one condition: that each village chief would command a part of the army allowing them to rapidly answer against invaders. Thus formed the Lelak Chiefdom.
+15% Land Force Limit Modifier

The Heart of the VillageNobody remembers how it started; it has always been this way for Lelak. For a village to be a village there needs to be a center, a nucleus, a heart. The heart of the village is the central building of any village in Lelak, a circular building made out of wood and stone with a courtyard in the center where the pemangan resides, a plant that grows with the size of the village and can reach up to twelve meters tall and four meters wide.\n\nThe heart is not only used for discussions; it is also used for rituals like “the seeding”, in which a pemangan that has reached sufficient size starts glowing and leaves a seed with which to establish new villages. At weddings the couple drink their pollen, and at funerals people are given a leaf of the pemangan to protect them. At these and countless other events, the pemangan not only grows with the village but also consumes evil spirits, protecting the people in its shade.
-2 National Unrest

Connected By LoveIt is said that unity lasts as long as there is a common objective, and after the Lelak chiefdom found itself strong enough to fend off invaders, our purpose was lost and the differences between the many tribes of our chiefdom were found.\n\nThe villages rebelled against Lelak and Nawa Lelak, the first son of the paduka, was terrified, as he had a relation with Safira, daughter of one of the chiefs that had rebelled. As both sides prepared for war, training their soldiers and equipping their armies, Nawa could only entrust his fate to the spirits, knowing his love was bigger than his hate; yet none answered. \n\nOn a rainy night the armies of the chiefdom and the rebels faced each other. Just as they were about to begin the melée, hundreds of spirits flocked from the forest, the river and the rain, pushing Nawa and Safira to the front of the armies. Thus blessed, their marriage ended the conflict. As the couple introduced their cultures to the many villages of Lelak, people realized they weren't so different after all.
+2 Max Promoted Cultures

An Offering For The DiversMany creatures and spirits lurk in rivers, where they take many shapes and forms: among them are the divers. The divers are the divine messengers of Lupulan; they lend their powers to us thanks to his kindness. Whenever we need to deliver something, we ask the divers to aid us by leaving the skin of the venomous Mesa Lunar snake, wrapped around an object from the destination, together with the delivery inside a wooden box. The divers then navigate their way through the forest by river and leave the delivery so stealthily that nobody notices, accomplishing their duty.
+1 Diplomats

The NyelanAll water creatures are under the rule of Hebat Daga, the great ocean, and as such, under the indirect rule of Lupulan. Only the rightful can interact with the ocean and the rivers. To fish in Lelak you are required to master The Nyelan, the call, a set of movements done with a fishing rod while chanting to Hebat Daga, which if completed correctly will attract dozens of fish that will swim in circles around the rod, ready to be fished.
+10% Goods Produced Modifier

Festival of LelakLove is a powerful force; spears and arrows can pierce a heart, but love? It conquers a heart. The first lelaki padukas realized this, and since then the famous Festival of Lelak has been held every year. Starting from the pemangan at the heart of Kuwarmoh, the young and the not-so-young follow the way of the river by boat for three hours, during which they have the opportunity to meet a partner. Legends say that spirits are always watching and that if you pay attention, they will tell you who your destined lover is.
-15% Stability Cost Modifier

Community of Spirits and HumansWithin the rainforest, the inhabitants of the material and spiritual planes alike constantly interact with each other, be it with compassion or strife. Great manifestations of the earth split the ground beneath, and humans make a village out of that same earth. Tiny, mischievous spirits disguised as leaves arrive, spelling the end of monsoon season, when men know the harvesting season is upon them. Long has this understanding formed between the many beings of the Lupulan; This land is a shared one. Spirits cannot overcome human persistence, and humans can not overpower spiritual energy. No matter if this relationship is celebrated or scorned, everyone under the Great Lizard works in tandem, creating a cycle of life that is challenging, yet much beloved.
+15% Reform Progress Growth


